Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Who gains in this war between Russia and Ukraine?

 Russia is literally killing off her own racial tribe attacking the Ukrainians. I have about an equal number of Russians and Ukrainians in my H11 mtDNA haplogroup project at FT DNA. They represent a large enough percentage in actual fact. H11 is found in a high percentage in that area given that H11 wintered at Ukraina Ice Refuge during the Last Glacial Maximum (already mentioned in another post) 15,000 years ago. H11 then spread out from there into Russia, into Ukraine, into Europe, into the Scandinavian Peninsula and into the British Isles from the south (across the English Channel (land bridge from the continent)) and the east (Doggerland was an extension of Europe and the Scandinavian Peninsula where the North Sea is in present day Europe). 

The so-called white race has decimated itself through two World Wars in the 20th century and a third World War would likely continue to be fought between the same group. Now as this war drags on with Vladimir Putin desperately trying to defeat Ukraine or at least make them surrender so he looks powerful, I am beginning to think about who would have gained from a Third World War - no one actually. 

Up until Vladimir Putin attacked Ukraine, I do not really think he had anything to fear from NATO. Now he has given all those NATO countries a reason to increase their armaments and quickly.  Visions of empire are delusional at any time and that does appear to be uppermost in Vladimir Putin's mind. The Romans could tell you that along with many other particular peoples that have thought to create Empires in Europe. Given the weaponry (nuclear) that is available, the areas in which the fighting occurred would be wastelands for quite a while. It is dubious that countries that decided to be neutral could continue to exist; the radiation levels would be dreadful and we are talking for a very long time. Questionable whether the world could withstand nuclear strikes; I suspect it would cause the world to break apart and become thousands of asteroids circulating around in space with one less planet around our sun. One of those abstaining nations could probably bring an end to this murderous tirade very quickly; that nation is after all a lifeline for Russia during the present sanctions brought against her. After all the planet still has lots of life in it; Armageddon is forever.  

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