Friday, March 18, 2022

Why destroy Ukrainian cities?

 What is gained by destroying all these Ukrainian cities? Is Putin jealous because Ukraine is the birthplace of the Russian people and so he destroys what he can not have. It doesn't really make sense no matter how you look at it. Nothing about this war makes any sense in a world that is driven by mercantile factors. We are a trading world and denying yourself a place in all of that because you want one country to be your bosom friend really doesn't make sense. To have a friend you need to be first of all kind and respectful at all times. When you are not; that person is going to withdraw and probably never be your friend again. If Ukraine is now willing to be neutral Putin should be happy with that after all he hasn't done anything to make Ukraine want to be a friendly nation. This isn't a world dominated by empires anymore - mutual respect is the way to success. I think China would also agree with that. People work much harder when there is mutual respect between boss and employee. 

A two year old has to have many times out before they respect the rights of others around them. One would think that by 70 one would have learned that lesson. Or Putin is just not in his right mind and that, of course, is very dangerous. He has already threatened people in Russia who do not agree with him. The blood baths of the Stalin years are hinted at but would Putin hurt his own people? The people of Russia have suffered much in the past and then the promise of a better life in the 90s and gradually their lives have improved but not as much as other countries. 

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