Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Working on the Blake Newsletter

 I have managed to work my way through some of the smaller groups of yDNA namely I-P37 but with known ancient roots in the British Isles, I-M253, I-M223 (principally Theophilus Blake), and have now reached R-M269 which is a very large group. I will break it into four distinct groups as I do not wish to change the original look prepared by Barrie Blake. He did correspond with members and has more knowledge of their genealogy than I do. I do not have time to commit to that aspect. Instead I will use his data and slightly re-organize this portion into four distinct sub groups with one being descendants of Richard Blake (aka Richard Caddell of Galway, Ireland), the second group are descended from Sir Thomas Blake and I will try to learn more about him, the third group is primarily of Irish Ancestry but will be a British Isles group and the fourth group is a German ancestral group. 

This will probably take me a couple of days and I am cleaning so gives me a nice break in between cleaning to work on it. 

The next group is haplogroup E and then haplogroup T (not sure if T was in the ancient Isles and will check that out; certainly migration over long distances was not unknown 8,000 to 12,000 years ago although it probably extended over several generations). I will exclude anyone without the surname Blake from this study compilation although I note that in that group labeled X- Blake Ancestry not in direct yDNA line there is someone with a similar name that I may include in one of the R-M269 after I have a look at the results. Not listing a surname also excludes my placing the entry into one of the groups. 

I discussed Roger Blake in this Newsletter. I have discussed him a few times in my blog and mentioned him in other Newsletters but I find him to be a most important person in the Blake one name study as there is evidence for his ancestral line as well as his descendant line. He died in 1557 leaving a will of good length providing a lot of information on him. It is known that the Blake family at Pinhills suffered greatly during the Rebellion not so much for being involved in either side but rather for not accepting a title from King Charles I. Their home at Pinhills was destroyed and the Blake family there disappeared and reappeared in Gloucestershire where they also had property. This particular piece of property is mentioned in the will or Roger Blake helping to carry on the linking of the Calne Blake family. Prior to Roger's death this family was in the process of moving south into Dorset and west into Somerset but those links are somewhat elusive and still being investigated. 

Finding someone who has a known paper trail back to the Blake family of Calne would be most interesting. I did have an email chat with a known descendant but he was more interested in his mother's family at that time and I could not persuade him to test. Perhaps one of these days that will happen and for certain he will be a most appreciated individual particularly by the American Blake families as a number of them believe they are descendant of the Calne Blake family and group I-M253 is a possibility given their Nordic yDNA grouping and the presumption (interesting evidence is available) that Richard le Blak was the founder of this Blake family at Calne and he was from Rouen, Normandy). 

Praying for Ukraine and the peoples there. Mariupol especially in my prayers. I can not imagine what it would be like to be in a city constantly shelled from above and now from Russian ships off the coast. 

I am saddened that the Russian people can stomach all of this that will be on their plate for centuries to come. Russians should have more respect for themselves than to permit a madman to run their country and attack another country in this modern day and age. War should be in the past this is the 21st century we may have far more to fear from outside of our solar system that we need to work together to manage. 

God set us on a path of life; He sent Jesus to teach us how to live and definitely Putin is not living the life that Jesus described - love God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbour as yourself. Of the new commandments which Jesus brought to us, both are broken by Putin.

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