Wednesday, April 13, 2022

A new work week begins

 A little late to start a work week but better late than never for sure. Yesterday we worked on the lawn raking and picking up so that is all done. The fresh air was nice and I played soccer as well later in the day. At 76.5 years I did not think I would be playing soccer but why not if I still can. The running that I do daily probably helps me to do that. Plus my running shoes are strong enough to do lots of kicks of the ball. I tend to lose but I am not too concerned about that!

So a couple of things on the go. First and foremost submitting Edward's tax return and that is printed. Today I will go over that and scan all the documents and get it ready for mailing. It will be nice to have that submitted as well. Also I want to give a donation to Ontario Ancestors in his name to help maintain the library (was the Ontario Genealogical Society). I will give it directly to Ottawa Branch. If the library eventually becomes part of the City of Ottawa Archives then I will make the donation to them instead but hopefully the Branch will continue to exist. Edward so loved being part of that group. He belonged to a lot of organizations but I would have said that his favourite was the Ottawa Branch. 

Then the Siderfin Book and the fourth generation to begin. It is sizeable compared to the third generation and will require several weeks of work I suspect. I anticipate perhaps finishing the book by the end of August and time will tell on that.

I need to work on the next issue of the Kip-Kipp Newsletter and the next issue of the H11 Newsletter. The H11 will be a short issue as I only do a compilation of the results once a year in February. With the Kip-Kipp Newsletter I need to complete the article on Hendrick Hendricksen Kip and this will be part II. Edward did a lot of work on this ancestor over the years and had a trip planned to The Netherlands to look at original records there. He had found a person who was willing to meet with him and show him the records in the archives. But certainly COVID came in the way of that as well as cancelling our trip to Germany. 

The war in Ukraine so saddens me; that it could happen in this century when we were moving along so well economically and politically. Why Putin would chose to go down in history as a pariah is a mystery to me but then I am not a scholar of Russian history. But to take his country backwards in time to a place where one settled disputes on the battlefield is a very sad state. When will it end? At what cost to the world? The repercussions are enormous. The Ukrainians are most welcomed to come to Canada - there are already 1.5 million of their friends/relatives/neighbours here who will help them. We have a lot of country and they certainly know how to live in a cold country having lots of snow and ice there as well. But I can understand their love of country; my grandfather loved England to the end of his days. He tended to think of Canada as a colony and in the early 1950s that wasn't uncommon in the older population! God be with Ukraine; I can not believe He is with Russia on this as Russia is a neighbour to Ukraine and the commandments which Jesus brought to us said to love God with all your heart and soul  and to love our neighbours as yourself and definitely Russia under Putin's grasp is not doing that; Ukraine is their neighbour.

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