Friday, April 29, 2022

Cleaning with two dogs and a cat

 Yesterday was the second cleaning day of the week and the dogs and the cat were with me all day. They were good and I managed to accomplish all that I had planned to do. It is interesting spending one's day with animal life. They are an organized group and the clear leader has not yet emerged. The older dog is just a loveable dog. She is the centre of the group and both of the other animals love her dearly. The cat and the younger dog are still learning about each other and the cat has to, on occasion, let the younger dog know that her puppy tendencies are unacceptable. It is interesting to watch that occurring. 

Feel very good about my decision on the H11 Newsletter. There isn't usually very much in the newsletter issues other than the first of the volume than world news and I decided not to burden the mail boxes of the Ukrainian readers this time. They have much more pressing business these days keeping their country together and being one of the bread baskets of the world. One wonders in the back of one's mind is Armageddon coming? Is Russia carrying all of us to Armageddon? Interesting thought really and I wonder who will stop Russia? Does China want to go to Armageddon? I would find that hard to believe given their effort to become one of the powerful nations of the world. One flick of their finger to Russia to tell them to stop and they would. Russia hates America and really do not have any reason to do so. Perhaps it is because America bought Alaska from them. Russia's greed for land is unbelievable (they are the largest country in the world with Canada being the second largest). We need to be a powerful world in case of what might be out there looking at us; but that means all of us need to be powerful to face the future not a broken down world torn apart by a World War III started by Russia.

Must get the Kip-Kipp Newsletter up on the website for release on the 1st of May. May Day is May 1. I love May Day. I grew up hearing about May Day celebrations in England and it sounded so lovely. We do not celebrate May Day here and really we do not celebrate VE day either although do note it. It is more of a European thing and very much of a Russian thing. I wonder how the families of all those Russian soldiers killed in the illegal battle in Ukraine are feeling about VE day this year. Are Russians so greedy that they support such a war to steal land from Ukraine just because it is wealthy land and they want it? 

Each night I charge up two phones. I wonder when I will stop living two lives actually. So long as I keep on trying to sort through Edward's research I continue living his life in that way. Sometimes it does seem too much to do two lives but I can not yet figure out how to stop living two lives. The last couple of years of Ed's life I was managing most things and it involved helping him quite a bit. It was exhausting but also rewarding as one makes marriage vows with the idea in mind that you will keep them. At some point I need to stop doing so much in double and perhaps I will begin with the telephone. I do not need two telephones and so I must downsize to one and must get that thought process into a beginning. I have actually only had my own phone for a few years before COVID. I was resistant to having two phones but Edward wanted to be able to call me when I went out shopping for groceries and he didn't want to go and so we moved to two cell phones. It will be nice to just have one cell phone. 

Third cleaning day and this is the lightest one - dusting. On to the day.

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