Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Continuing with the second issue of the Kip-Kipp Newsletter for 2022

Continuing to pull out information from my husband's files on the Kip family of New Amsterdam now New York. I am trying to find all the references so that I can put a location beside them for the readers. 

I know my husband searched diligently for information on the arrival of Hendrick and his family in New Amsterdam but did not find anything definitive. That he became so thoroughly involved (himself and his sons) in the life of New Amsterdam by 1643 is interesting. 

The New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch Volume II that have been referred to in this issue begins with 1642 and runs to 1647. That there isn't any mention of the family prior to 16 Apr 1643 in this text which does commence 7 Jan 1642. Volume I commences in 1638 and searching on Hendrick Hendricksen revealed one individual who has come to New Amsterdam from Doesburch (sp Doesburg ?). Looking at a current map Doesburg is quite far from Amsterdam and from Niewenhuys (the home village of Hendrick Hendricksen Kip). There was another individual in New Amsterdam with the name Hendrick Hendricksen who was also a tailor so perhaps as Edward mentions this earlier resident went by the name Hendrick Hendricksen Snyder (Tailor in Dutch) and Hendrick took on the surname Kip for reasons known only to time. 

A brief interlude into these books is quite interesting. Having enjoyed history as a child (my childhood was steeped in history with three grandparents born and raised in England and the fourth descended from grandparents/father also born and raised in England) I find that my eyes do dwell on these old writings out of curiosity. Could I ever become deeply immersed in genealogy; not likely in actual fact. DNA attracts me and the deep ancestry that it invokes but I can not get up strong interest in creating family lines - I leave that to my sister since she does enjoy creating these huge family trees.

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