Friday, April 15, 2022

Four days of religious time

 I haven't had four days of religious time at Easter since I got married. I do so want to attend my Church on the four days around Easter and this year I will do so (at least I thought that I would but some of the services were not online but in person only). The Maundy Thursday Service was well attended at least it appeared to be so on YouTube. At noon the Good Friday Service and an extra service of Organ Meditations with Words of Reflection at 15:00 but in person only sadly. Then tomorrow at 20:00 the Vigil for Easter again in person only and then Easter Sunday and I am trying to decide whether I will attend at 8:30 but it is in person only so 10:30 only. I do have the services though so can read through them at the time. I do try to be a good Christian but belonging to the World Wide Anglican Group did show me that I am a sinner because I do not completely follow the teachings of Jesus. Is it possible to be perfect? I think Jesus showed us that we must always strive to be perfect but if we fall short then asking for forgiveness is still possible. In a perfect world we would all be perfect Christians if that is our faith to follow. The Services on YouTube are fulfilling the desire of Jesus that his message should be taken to all peoples of the world. How they interpret it in the context of their own beliefs was perhaps his intent; but he wanted all peoples of the world to know his new commandments - Love the Lord God with all your heart and soul and love your neighbour as yourself; there is no other commandment greater than these. 

Today as on all days I am thinking of Ukraine and praying for them as they fight the Russians under Putin. He leads them to a tragic end and the Moskva is just the beginning of the horrors that will come to the Russian military. Bringing in the new commander who is a known butcher from the wars in Syria will make Putin even more so one of the most hated villains of history. His family name will go down in history as a blight on mankind. Putin claims that it was a fire and not the Neptune missiles fired by the Ukrainians but if not the Ukrainians then God has surely struck them. They should fear God; he does not usually interfere in the ways of man but surely as he sees his people in Ukraine being killed - women and children especially - his heart will soften and he will punish the aggressor. 

I expect the Organ Meditation with Words of Reflection for Good Friday was most interesting. I have spent about an hour reading through the works mentioned. Good Friday has always been one of the special days in the Church year for me. The utter sadness of it has always dominated the day for me and continues to do so. The Vigil of Easter helps to prepare you for the joy of Easter but overall the sadness of Good Friday dominates until the joy of Easter Sunday when the Lord is Risen. God bless. 

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