Saturday, April 16, 2022

Income Tax time continues

 I had no idea that you had to actually submit documents to CRA on the death of an individual. I tried to open Edward's account just after he died (I had changed the password a week earlier so should have been fine) but it was inaccessible. I suppose I should have called but I was in shock; I just did what Edward wanted me to do in those last few weeks. He left me a number of items he wanted me to handle. I am still working on some of them. Not big tasks but somewhat insurmountable for me in some ways because I do not know his family that well. But eventually I will get them all done.

Anyway the good news is that if you did not submit at the time of death you can still submit them with the last Income Tax Return. Information came into my head and went out just as fast for quite a while after he died. I concentrated on what he had asked me to do and it is only in the last couple of months that I am back to thinking in the way that I used to think. 

Today I decided to clean while I was scanning documents as I need to send all the originals to CRA for his Income Tax. I will send it Priority Post so that I have a tracking number. I did not think it would be coming so close to the end of April before I would have it altogether but there it is and I will submit it in the next couple of weeks. 

I think you should be able to access the CRA account of the deceased person until you submit the last return. Fortunately I kept epost open so that I could get his T4A as I had no idea how to get it otherwise. It would have been in his CRA account. 

However at 76 I just think these things. I will call CRA on Tuesday just to check on whether they need the entire will or just the first and last pages. Other than that I think I am nearly ready to submit. 

I need to get back to my Newsletters or they will be late and I will try to do that in the coming days. It is hard to relax when you have too much on your mind. Once the Income Tax is in I will make another list of all the things that Edward wanted me to do including donations that he wanted me to continue with and see where I am at with all of these items. It was a long list but some are crossed off - the huge book donation from his library and we did that first just because there were so many books. They took up a lot of the wall space in the house but he did so love his books.I am glad that they are now in the Library being used. Once I finalize the Income Tax then I can see how much of a yearly donation I can make to help support the Library business. There were other items as well that he wanted to support while I was living so will look at all of those as well. I kept telling him that he would outlive me and to be honest that was my preferred state. He would have managed all of this so much better I am sure. 

Sorry to miss the Great Vigil of Easter but will be on YouTube for Easter Sunday. 

Praying for Ukraine as they struggle against the illegal invasion of their country. Strange that so many of the really great Russian leaders in the past wanted to be part of the world and give their people a better life. All that Putin brings them is death and destruction. Threatening us will not work; we are immune to his two year old tantrums. His dreams of Empire will go the way of all the hated dictators of the past but the sad thing is that he takes 151 Million Russians with him. He should read history and see what happens to people like him.

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