Tuesday, April 26, 2022

It is time to ignore Russia and just keep supplying Ukraine. Two year olds in a tantrum are never going to listen.

One tends to ignore the tantrum of a two year old and put them into time out. In the case of Putin and Lavrov they are looking down a tunnel which has only a bad ending but they do not know how to back out of the tunnel so they threaten us like the two year old lying on the floor kicking and screaming - I want it! I want it! 

People have to want to be part of something; bombing them doesn't generally bring them around to your way of thinking. They need a reason to be part of something. Bigger countries in groups offer more protection (the EU is a good example) and more support during a crisis so breaking up a country just because someone is making a land grab and creates incidences is a thing of the past. Threatening with nuclear weapons is just stupid. Everyone losses.

There maybe now I can get some work done. Just calculating percentages and thinking about yesterday's lectures on DNA. Intellectual pursuits are so much more interesting and rewarding than fighting wars.

Tanner (forgot his last name but his first name is one of the surnames of one of my 5x great grandparents so sticks in my mind!) made a few interesting comments yesterday. He mentioned that there are more crossovers on the female side of a family than the male side and looking at my phasing of my grandparents that is right on. Rarely are there more on the male side and usually there are one or two more on the female side. I still like having used 23 and Me results and all of our cousins results to put together the phasing. Gedmatch is a great program but having four sets of results showing partial and full matches was too tempting to work with and so I did. I think this year I will reconstruct my parents DNA that they passed to us using this data. I can reconstruct each of the Buller lengths and each of the Pincombe lengths to give me the DNA which my mother passed and I can also reconstruct each of the Rawlings lengths and each of the Blake lengths to give me what my father passed to us. 

It has become a bit of a curiosity to me where the Rawlings is concerned because it contains the Rawlings DNA passed from my great grandmother Elizabeth (Rawlins) Taylor to her daughter and the DNA passed to her from her unknown father (although suspected to be surnamed Cotterill as the priest has given that surname to her as a middle name at her baptism and when she was registered). I have the results of a number of my Rawlings cousins now. The Blake is coming from Samuel, my paternal grandfather, and was passed to him by his father Edward Blake and his mother Maria Jane Knight and I have a lot of Knight cousins who are not related to me except through Maria Jane Knight (they lived at Turnworth, Dorset) and my Blake line was at Upper Clatford. I am tempted to work on great grandparents. Perhaps I can solve the mystery of my grandmother's father or maybe I will not but accumulating the data in a useable form looks to be worthwhile after listening to the lectures yesterday.

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