Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Kip-Kipp Newsletter completed and working on the H11 Newsletter

 I will find each of the Kip-Kipp Newsletters hard to do. My mind isn't into my husband's research and I have to rework things when I can not find the connection that I vaguely recall. But I will try to keep it up with all the early information that he collected.

The H11 Newsletter is not usually a challenge for me but with the war ongoing that Russia has inflicted on Ukraine and the rest of the world really makes it so much more difficult to write. The awful part of this dreadful war is that Europe could squash Russia beneath the weight of its military ability; people are dying because Russia is killing them - women and children especially. A country of 151 million doesn't stand a chance against over 600,000 million in Europe alone. As the century moves onward Russia will pay in so many ways for what they are doing long after Putin is a whisper of the past and Lavrov with him. Russians will have a lump in their throat whenever they try to mix with the rest of Europe as everyone will see them as guilty because they do not stop him. What a dreadful calamity for these people's children to have to bear the brunt of European hatred. I remember when we started to forgive Germany in the 1950s partly because of the way that Russia was treating the Eastern Germans. Plus Germany tried so very hard to make amends and yet I met descendants of the people born long after the war who still felt fractured by what their country had done to Europe. You can not justify a war against women and children; a land grab is all that it is. A referendum without UN supervision is not a referendum. The world has much to lose because of Russia and so the world has a right to a say in whatever is being done in Ukraine and the right to help the Ukrainians to win. 

I personally can not believe that China would support this land grab by Russia - it is a war of genocide against a people with no thought of converting them to be Russians - it is just genocidal murder. China wants more out of life than bombed buildings and nuclear poisoning. They want a life for their people not death by bombing and nuclear destruction of whatever is left. Russia practises saber rattling which causes NATO to be more attentive and it just escalates from there but it is Russia that has created the tense situation in which Europe now finds itself. The leadup to WWII was like this with people waiting for the escalation point that tipped the scale. Russia keeps trying to create that escalation point in sneaky ways as they believe that China will come in and support them if Europe declares war against them. Russia thinks that they can win WWIII. The members of my study are from Eastern Europe (probably 90% of them). I am on the side of peace and retention of the borders as drawn. Countries have to work out their own difficulties without interference unless of course violence erupts that threatens to encompass the entire country and then a UN peacekeeping force is sent. 

Completed the percentage of each of my grandparents contributed to myself and my siblings. A most interesting experience to actually do the calculations. As suspected and written by me a number of times. I have inherited 32% from my Rawlings side and just 18% from my Blake side. I inherited 25% from each of my Pincombe and Buller grandparents. Mine is the most lopsided which is why I am the lowest match to all of my tested siblings. In general the other four resembled each other quite closely. Although one brother that I noted as having strong Pincombe matches has 28% Pincombe and only 22% Buller.

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