Thursday, April 21, 2022


 I think reading history way back in time, a city has never suffered such unprovoked an attack as Mariupol. Truly genocide and Putin and his thugs should be made to pay for their attack on the civilians of this city. It is barbaric what they have done there. Especially barbaric when you consider it was done to their own ethnic kin. Disgusting. There can be no victory for them in Ukraine; the attack was unprovoked. I do not really believe God interferes in the affairs of man but I would pray earnestly to God that he punish Putin and his thugs for their wrongdoing. What they have done to the Ukrainian people is unforgiveable. What they have done to the Russian people who are not part of this horrible massacre is truly a sin. I think their testing an ICBM is a joke on them really; shows just how ignorant Putin and his cronies truly are. At the age of 76 I am not troubled by a nuclear war; since childhood I have lived under the threat of nuclear war. We all lose in a nuclear war even a small one. Just disturbing the ground around Chornobyl threw radioactivity into the air affecting people for miles including Belarus and Russia. Then the soldiers who tampered with this site have also exposed themselves to deadly radiation. The only victors at Mariupol are the people who have stood up to Putin and his thugs running this illegal war. 

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