Monday, April 18, 2022


 I must start the Kip-Kipp Newsletter today and complete it this week and perhaps that is possible. The material is mostly all there but working with someone else's data is always different. I can also do the H11 Newsletter quickly. It is nice to have them completed before the end of the month so will try to do that. 

The main article will be on Hendrick Hendricksen Kip as Part II. This will include a transcription of his will which we saw in New York - the actual original document. He was an interesting person with a rather strong personality one gathers from the records. Definitely the line he has founded is huge these days with descendants all over the United States and Canada. Some of his descendants were Loyalist although not very many. My husband's line came as settlers to southwestern Ontario in 1800 having traveled up from Dutchess County. Their actual route is not known but my husband believed he found them on the 1800 census near Albany, New York and by the fall they were in Ontario applying for land as settlers. All of these documents of application are available. The yDNA does tell a little about these Kipp families in southwestern Ontario with descendants of several lines matching each other and descendants of the New Amsterdam family who live in the United States. 

Easter Monday looks like it might be snowy here which isn't surprising as it is still April. We can really expect snow into early May and sometimes later. But this year the snow is gone which is a nice treat as it is often here until early May. 

The H11 Newsletter will be short; just two pages. To me it is such a tragedy to see Russia invading Ukraine as they are related by blood. Russia is literally killing their own cousins and all for land and they are justifying it by labeling Ukrainians as Nazis when they are the ones who deserve that title for the way that they have invaded Ukraine and killed innocent civilians. And still they carry on just like Hitler threatening the world as each day passes and they do not yet have what they want. To destroy all the accomplishments of the last thirty years of peace; no punishment is too great for Russia at this point in time. They have not loved their neighbour as themselves and for that they have broken the commandments which Jesus brought to us.

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