Thursday, April 14, 2022

Slow start to work week

 I did not really accomplish very much yesterday other than thinking through what I needed to do. The drawback to going away for two weeks and of course I now need to wear a mask for two weeks which is fine as I had not actually given up wearing one yet in indoor spaces but will also wear one whenever I am off the property which is practically never. 

I need to vacuum the car today as it accumulated a lot of bits and pieces on our marathon journey from here to Florida and back. I have made the trip down to Virginia many many times with my husband so was a trip down memory lane although a lot more traffic than I remembered from five or six years ago once you leave Harrisburg Pennsylvania. We had also driven to South Carolina once so that route also somewhat familiar to me in a vague sort of way as that was about 35 years ago and yes a lot of traffic. I had never been in Georgia though before and that was most interesting. Florida I had just been around Orlando area before so most of that was also new to me. We had a great time though. The boys and I sat in the very back seat and watched movies for about ten hours or more. We also played some word games and I Spy. It was almost continuous motion and for seven and nine years of age they did really well. It also helped that they had their IPADS with them and used them as well. 

In Florida I mostly stayed at the house (two grocery trips only) and swam or soaked in the hot tub as well as doing my usual running and walking. The days passed very quickly actually. I watched some TV as well in particular a series on Polygamy which was rather thought provoking. Seeing it through the eyes of young girls was an interesting portrayal. Also I had no idea that the wives who were not first wives virtually had no claims and had to support themselves and their children for the most part. But their daughters were given a list of men that they could marry; as a mother I would never subject my children to such an obnoxious lifestyle. There did not appear to be any advantages to the children as they were put to work young and not particularly encouraged to get advanced education. It really looked like a people mill to produce workers that you could use as a work force. 

First on the agenda today; vacuum the car. Then get down to work hopefully. This will be a weekend of Church attending with Maundy Thursday service, Good Friday service, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. For the first time in years I shall attend all of them instead of letting my family needs keep me away.

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