Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Thank you Turkey

 A thank you to Turkey for trying to stop the violence in Ukraine. The attitude of the Russian leaders there is appalling - they talk about finishing off if the news is correct. How can one talk about ending human lives in such a caliber fashion. These people are defending their homeland. What is the world coming to? People taking advantage of the Russians attacking Ukraine all over the world by becoming aggressive because they think we do not notice. Are you human? That is really the question at mind. In the past the attacker often created stories that gave inhuman qualities to some people. But all of that should have ended with the Second World War for sure with the massacre of the Jewish peoples in the countries involved. Surely we are not going to see a repeat of all that horror just 75+ years later. Will people never learn? What right does someone have to take on dictatorial powers and then invade another country? 

There has to be humanness for the world and mankind to survive. It was that humanness that drove man forward out of the Ice Refuges after the Last Great Maximum 15,000 years ago. A desire to create to be more than a cave dweller. To protect one's kin and move forward in time; leave children to carry that dream forward and so we are here. Russia you are committing a sin against mankind against the world. Lay down your arms; go back home and let the Ukrainians work out the differences that lie within their borders - stop interfering. 

Yesterday I worked on the Kip-Kipp Newsletter and discovered an interesting trove of data which Edward had found initially and decided to extract some of the information as an extra. I learned that 16 year olds could witness documents which was new information to me. The world was a different place in New Amsterdam in the 1640s. Boys became men at a young age and Girls became women also at a young age. It is good we protect our children for a longer time now.

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