Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The gains Russia made since 1917

Russia made a lot of gains since 1917. The Russian people could get an education. They received health care. After all they sent the first man into space. Why would they give all of this up? This honorary place in history for they did earn it. Now they are a pariah nation and will be for quite a long time. Just saying you are Russian will cause you to be shunned in most of  the world outside of Russia.  How can a people let this happen to themselves? I think the generation before me wondered about that where Hitler was concerned and yes Putin continues to remind me of Hitler. He has no respect for the Russian people; if he did he would not have sent them into Chornobyl without lessons on how to manage in such a radioactive area. They would have known not to disturb the earth in that area. They would have known that the plant had to be carefully maintained. Is it that under Putin education has become less important in Russia? The gains that mankind has made in the last thousands of years is because of education whether it be on one's own or in a system. Can a people be cowed by a few? 

We had a demonstration of that in Ottawa with the Trucker Convoy. When they arrived they immediately broke our bylaws and stormed into the Rideau Centre which was promptly closed. That venue was no longer available to them. But we do allow protests and so they were not ushered out immediately. But it continued when they did not get what they wanted and they turned on the people living there to get them to complain and maybe then they could get what they wanted. That didn't happen and what did happen was somewhat amazing in a democracy; the Emergencies Act was invoked and they were gone. Our reputation as a democracy was at the time somewhat fractured but we are back to normal once again. Had the truckers been thugs we might have seen a different story and perhaps that is what has happened in Russia; Putin's thugs have taken over the government there and now the people must throw them off. Get rid of them so that Russia can take back the greatness they achieved by being the nation to put the first man in space! We respected them for that. We respected them for tearing down the wall in Berlin; it was time for Germany to be a country once again. They are a hard working people and have quickly brought all of Germany up to the level of economic activity as was in the western zone.

Leave Ukraine; it has a right to exist. Ukraine was the centre of life 15,000 years ago with the Ice Refuge and then people moved out from there. It exists as an old old country; Russia is but a descendant of that established country as are Belarus and many other countries. How long the peoples who survived to reach Ukraine stayed there is unknown to us. We are all Ukrainians that descend from those people at the Ice Refuge but we have become other nation states as that is the way of life - when we leave one nation and become part of another we have no claims on the original. 

What Russia has done in Mariupol is a disgrace; it is genocide.

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