Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Munich Agreement

Watched an interesting movie last night on the Munich Agreement which is on Netflix  - Munich - The Edge of War. The novel of Robert Harris has been adapted. There are so many mentions of times in history preceding the second World War that individuals had the opportunity to kill Hitler but did not take it - he was evil incarnate but yet something about him kept people from pulling the trigger on their hidden guns. It is frightening really and perhaps the main reason was an unwillingness to face their own immediate death. Watched the movie a second time and I think there is also the thought that you might be able to change things if you are on the inside. Interesting actually watching the second time.

Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain comes off in this movie as a hero because he saved one more year for Britain to re-arm. The similarity between Britain in 1940 fighting on alone when Germany had taken control of the north western European continent and Ukraine as it fights on alone is devastating (that people could let this happen once again). Britain was supplied by the Commonwealth countries (then the British Empire) while Ukraine is being supplied by NATO - the most effective treaty there may ever have been. NATO was more of a coming together of allies who had fought side by side during World War II and were now facing an enraged Soviet Union which had been mercilessly attacked by the Nazis and interestingly the Soviet Union wanted to guarantee their borders with a buffer zone. Perhaps Russia should notice that there are no guarantees on borders - look what they have done in Ukraine. Their wanton murder of civilians will go down in history as the most evil attack on a country ever.

Right now in Mariupol there are Ukrainians who have fought and kept the Russian invaders at a standstill as they continue to fight back on and on and will likely continue to do so. For them Ukraine is more precious than life itself and I am not sure that Putin will ever understand that. I think he pretends that this is all for Mother Russia but in reality it is for Putin - he is a maniac like Hitler. 

The Austrian Prime Minister who visited him said that Putin is living in his own world totally centred around himself. The Russian News is reporting that World War III has already started but if it had Russia would have been bombed back to the Stone Age already so they can thank their luck that it has not. As time passes we toughen up more and more and Russia grows weaker and weaker. What they have done will make people hate Russia for a century or more. All the gains by the Russian people to be part of the economic stratum will be lost. Russia must lay down its arms and get out of Ukraine if they hope to ever regain the trust of the world in this generation. The now Nazis are the Russians; to denazify they have to destroy themselves.

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