Saturday, April 30, 2022

Tomorrow is May Day

Living so quietly I got a day ahead of myself thinking May Day one day earlier than it was but tomorrow is May Day and today is glorious sunshine so hopefully also tomorrow. My father remembered the May Day celebrations in Eastleigh and Upper Clatford when he was a child. He even danced around the Maypole as a child he said. I think as an only child he still missed his grandparents that he left behind in England although he did see his cousins quite often who lived in Toronto so a bit of a benefit. But it was hard for him to have left them behind as he still mentioned that when I was a child; missing them. 

The reality of life at the moment is pretty grim in Eastern Europe as the land grab continues. Greed is a dreadful thing really and one of the seven deadly sins. Hitler was afflicted with the same deadly sin except he called it  Lebensraum (living room). Will Russia try to enlarge all of its borders as it trys to devour land? Putin and his thugs are making life miserable in Eastern Europe. Putin keeps claiming territory just because a few Russians moved there during the time of the Soviet Union. Keep the armaments coming to Ukraine. Destroy the aggressor. Considering they claim to be denazifying Ukraine they should look at themselves as they are the Nazis in the world.

Yesterday I worked on My Heritage Clusters in DNA Painter. I have missed some matches in My Heritage; it was just too much to keep up over time. I check 23 and Me every day but I do not get to My Heritage, FT DNA, Living DNA or Ancestry more than a couple of times a month. I really have too much data these days and busy organizing all of it to pass on to one of my own when interest is expressed. The Clusters is an interesting addition to DNA work and I have used them in the past but life has been too busy the last while to look at that. Now I have quite large clusters for Blake which isn't surprising as a number of them have tested. The Rawlings clusters are also growing but waiting for Buller and Pincombe although I have a lot of small Buller clusters. I shall work some of these matches into my database but there are a lot of them so will take time.

I need to prepare a chart for Edward's research so that I can work on each line and get as much of his research online as possible. It could be that I will produce small books like the Siderfin book that I am working on. Will have to contemplate that. It is a lot of work though but I feel that I should try to do it. I will gradually riddle away my duplicate items like the telephone. Funny the word Riddle as that was his cousin's name. Edward and Gordon had their mutual interest in the Kipp family which took them both to the Ontario Genealogical Society for a bit together (do not remember how long they both went) but it gave Edward a lifelong interest in the society as he seldom missed a meeting from the early 1980s to the time of his death. Still waiting on our income tax so that I can determine how large a yearly donation I will make to the library in his memory. Once I got the bank forms I was able to submit Edward's income tax and my own. The latest I have ever submitted I think. I have submitted all of our income taxes for all the years that I have known and been married to Edward. I can not access his account on CRA now as I should have put myself on as an administrator I guess I just never realized they would close it before his taxes were submitted. 

Other than that I am just working away on my DNA and my one name studies although I haven't done any new research for a while now just publishing all the material that I have in the newsletters. I am not really that interested in genealogy but I am very interested in DNA research.

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