Monday, May 23, 2022

8 degrees celsius with lots of sun

 A beautiful day today although just 8 degrees celsius but will probably warm up somewhat. Today I shall watch Church on YouTube since I missed it yesterday. Our hydro coming back so soon was such a surprise but all of our lines are underground here and perhaps our loss was because of the lines down further out along the highway and when that was reconciled we were back on. 

The beauty of the earth is before us and we must do all that we can to protect it. Following Jesus' new commandment to love God with all of our heart and soul and to love our neighbour as ourself is I am beginning to think one of the most profound statements of the ages above everything else that has been said which was the intention at the time. It is only when we care about those around us that we become the people that God meant us to be. I am thinking more about that these days perhaps because of Russia's illegal war against Ukraine where they are literally murdering civilians all the time with no regard for them. They claim to be a Christian country but they are barbaric and putting them back behind their borders should be the aim of every sane person in the world. They have threatened us with nuclear weapons and unless they can prove themselves fit to care for these arms perhaps they should themselves consider disarming themselves if they actually care about the world. They are not fit to manage an arsenal which could protect the world from unseen enemies outside of the world. Using them in the world is suicide for the entire world and they do not have the right to destroy what God has given to all of us. 

Prayers as always for Ukraine and that they will be able to throw off this yoke of oppression with the help of the countries of the world that have come forward to help stop Russia. There is no intrusion into Russia (have they noticed that). We are not trying to destroy Russia as they are destroying Ukraine. Russia is a country of the world that has done wonderful things in the past but what they are doing now is absolutely insane. Russian people need to stop Putin and his thugs before they destroy all of us and themselves.

Today I continue working on the Pincombe Newsletter. I also want to move raspberry plants so that we can bring in the bag of dirt and plant our garden. The raspberries quickly reproduce but one can easily cut away each of the new plants and replant them. They do very well and I have a couple of spots that could have raspberries in them as I am not going to plant that many annuals. Raspberries make beautiful cover and they are tasty when they are ripe with fruit.

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