Wednesday, May 4, 2022

A number of items - Siderfin family, Ancestry matches and cleaning once again

 I continued with the Siderfin book yesterday. Nothing actually written but lots of time in the registers. This will be a slow process as I will be looking around the Luxborough area for the entries. 

I went into ancestry and discovered another 14 matches over the four accounts and extracted them into my database. A couple of them were large and easily placed into the respective four lines of my grandparents. It is quite a while since I have written to anyone that is a match to me. I am not really into trees and on ancestry one cannot see the numerical value of the match in terms of chromosome. The trees can be interesting though and I was tempted to write to one individual as they had traced back to the wrong line in their family but probably they will discover that on their own. I need to put all my time into my own research for a bit. Then I will organize my time around publishing Edward's work and my own. It is three more months though until the next issue of the Kipp Newsletter so will use my time carefully until then. 

Cleaning days begin once again - it is a nice way to plan my week actually so that everything gets done. 

I may do a little work on the My Heritage matches today. I haven't looked at Living DNA for awhile. I should do that as well. I have had emails from people asking how they fit into my family. I generally respond that I do not do research for people. Once there are chromosome results on that account I could give a clearer answer likely. Most of my cousins continue to live in the British Isles which isn't surprising as three of my grandparents were born and lived in England into adulthood and my father was born there. But a number of fourth cousins and greater do live in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United States and of course Canada where I live. 

Read an article which was explaining why Russia felt this was a legal war. Fear of NATO is misplaced especially given that Finland and Sweden no longer feel their neutrality will be respected and are opting to join NATO. Russia has to make itself liked by its neighbours and then they will find a more willing population around them. The idea that "everyone wants a bit of Russia" is perhaps the most insane thing I have ever heard. Russia has lots of boreal forest and long winters and I can assure you that most people do not want to live in Russia. Given the state of the government in Russia I would also say that most people would not want to be a part of that either. No free press; no democracy; no right to protest why would anyone want to live there except for that one item that I understand - the desire to live in one's country of family origin - my grandfather was like that. At the moment Russians are attacking and killing people in Ukraine with no justification and only because they are greedy and want the land. Anything else said by them is just simply fake news to justify their greed. They already stole the Crimea which was permitted to happen partly because the people did welcome them. But will they still as this war continues on and everyone in these areas is having their homes destroyed and their relatives murdered by the Russian military?

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