Sunday, May 8, 2022

Back from a weekend at the cottage

 A beautiful weekend at the cottage and May has been lovely thus far. Snow still hangs in the background as a possibility but hopefully we will have a snow free May this year. The temperature was lovely and the water felt reasonable and if I was younger I would have gone swimming. It was 60 degrees Fahrenheit or about 16 degrees celsius. It would have been cold and my arthritis has been making itself more and more felt these days. But it did look very inviting. 

Played soccer and that was a lot of fun so lots of outdoor time. Did not do any work as I do not take anything with me to work on. I did complete a book of crossword puzzles this time. I like Sudoku the best but I also enjoy crossword puzzles. 

World news I did not hear very much but like everyone else I am curious what will be said tomorrow at the Victory Day Parade in Moscow. I used to enjoy watching their parades on the television. The people always looked so attentive and interested in their country. I of course tire of all the ammunition that we have to watch pass by as our parades when I was a child featured the people who served rather than the objects of war that are produced. My grandfather always had a lot of respect for Russia although did not particularly care for their communist regime at the time. They fought hard against the Nazis and suffered a lot of losses for that. But especially I liked the stories about their first person in space and the pictures. I was proud for them that they put a person into space. The joint project has been a sign that people with different governments can get along on such important projects. I do hope that the Space Program does not become a calamity of the illegal invasion of Russia into Ukraine.

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