Sunday, May 29, 2022


Another Sunday and war still rages in Ukraine with no end in sight. Putin suggestion for peace on his terms - remove the sanctions. Peace is a beautiful word; one that as a child I learned to love that word. It meant an end to all of the horrific things that had happened in a war that ended just weeks before I was born. There were consequences for some after that war and so there should have been. Some people had rejoined the animal kingdom and lost the right to be called men. They were hunted mercilessly and punished for their criminal acts and so they should have been. Were there also women; I do not remember that.

For Putin and his enablers there must also be consequences but we need to stop the killing of innocent people. The ignorance of Putin still amazes me. In this modern world I thought it was just half-crazed people who sought out violence as a way to express their frustration. To have the leader of a country; trusted by his people stoop to such despicable acts is hard to believe in a modern world. His own young men he has used as cannon fodder and doesn't even bother taking back their bodies so that their families can bury their loved ones whom they believed were fighting to support Russia. Little did they know that fifth columnists in Ukraine were undermining the government there and creating a situation all to make a land grab. How many of those people will now become rich on the spoils. Just a few likely the rest will have to rebuild the destroyed infrastructure of the land that they are trying to steal from Ukraine. Like the dictators of old, Putin and his enablers will benefit and the ordinary Russian will have to bury their young and gain nothing. They have lost their children; lost their freedom of the press and lost access to the rest of the world for the moment except the enablers of Russian atrocity - their despicable acts will go down in history and never be forgotten. They have become the new Nazis, the new Hitler and his enablers. 

There must be consequences but time will tell on that story. Putin thinks we fear a third world war; he misunderstands us we respect the world too much to destroy the time that is left on it. The opportunity to restore the world lies ahead and he is a very ignorant person. Treat people properly instead of the maniacal war that has been created by Putin and his enablers all for a land grab; all for greed.

Church today and prayers for Ukraine as always. We will pray for the lost soldiers from Russia at a later date when Putin and enablers are gone. For they too were victims of a despotic monster with the exception of those convicted of heinous acts of violence. They will be remembered for their heinous crimes against Ukraine.

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