Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Continuing to get ready for the gardening season and cleaning

 Cleaning and gardening are the two work efforts in my day this time of year. I would like to do more work on my projects but that cannot happen as long as there is gardening and cleaning to do. That is the way that the days in the spring flow but they do lead to quieter times come July and August. 

Another cloudy day and we are meant to have rain at some point in the next couple of days. There are still a lot of people without hydro but our hydro is holding for which we are most thankful. All of our lines are underground so once any connection to the main grid is solved we are generally back up and running. But we are a well treed city and the wind was such that many of them broke off or came down severing the power lines. But the weather is mostly warm enough (nine degrees celsius this morning) that the heat doesn't come on anyway and the air conditioning doesn't run. We are thinking again about a Generac as these storms are becoming more frequent. But our hydro failures are still few and far between so time will tell on that. 

Yesterday I moved a dozen raspberry plants and will water them again today just to keep them coming along. There are many many seedlings so can replace anything that did not transplant well. We will get soil today and can repair the winter damage to the front lawn as we already bought a large bag of grass seed. I pulled the big weeds where the tomatoes and peppers are going and they can soon go into the ground although will wait until the next frost is past (likely early June). Once we have cleared more of the raspberry plants then we can plant the lettuce, carrots and green onions. 

All of the hosta plants are now up (a couple at the very back of the house are always slower but they to have broken through and growing rapidly). We have mostly hosta now and other perennials. I will get some flowers but we are growing sunflowers in a greenhouse type contraption so will wait on that for a bit. There are 52 sunflower peat pots but will let them grow much bigger before we plant them as the rabbits will eat them. May fence some of them to protect them. 

The front yard I have broken up the soil (not turned) and left some of the smaller weed cover to enrich the soil as we are doing restorative gardening. All of those plants are up and look quite healthy this year. Not weeding heavily last year may pay off yet. The grass cut very well and looks much better than I thought that it would. There is some repair to be done and we have lots of grass seed to work on that. I picked up two large bundles of broken branches (mostly dead branches) that have come down from the huge maple tree at the back. The hedges look good as well even where someone took out the fences. That has repaired itself somewhat. We have tried new plants but they do not survive. I planted some raspberry canes there so will see if they survive. They are quite hardy those raspberries. They grow together with conifers in the wild so maybe the answer. Time will tell. 

As the world continues to watch the war in Ukraine I wonder about China and its thoughts on all of this and where it will stand as Russia continues to attack Ukraine civilians. It is like the Iron Curtain coming down again. Revenge is all that Russia thinks about it would appear. But what are they revenging? After all the "west" as Putin refers to us flew millions of tons of equipment and food into Russia to help them fight the Nazis in the Second World War. Ukraine helped to hold the Nazis off to let Russia get stronger. One wonders why Putin and his thugs would throw away all the goodwill that has grown in the last thirty years. I also wonder if he is actually ill or faking it so that people stop trying to assassinate him - I am really curious about that. Is it that Russia will revert to Communism once again? They were not successful with it the first time and their people suffered badly at the end of all of that. Once people have tasted freedom can one then put them back into Communism? Are Putin and his thugs willing to put into place a communism government that actually helps the people of Russia? All questions in my mind to be sure.

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