Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Does a new day dawn today?

Is this the beginning of a new era? Are we embarking on a brave new world so to speak? Freedom is the cry but the only true freedom is the one that respects the people around us - that is always the limitation on freedom. It should be.  

Yesterday I worked on My Heritage cluster matches once again. I am slowly putting together a system that lets me link the five sets of results together and mark the matches with a cluster number. Having worked through one set I had a few ideas on how to do that most readily. I have not yet decided if I will continue looking at all the matches working my way down from the highest matches - I reached page 5 of the first set of matches and that page continues to have a few now that I would add to my matches list. 

Another beautiful May day in the offing but it is also bug season and the black flies are abundant given the perfect storm of wetlands, running water and heat. One can not outrun these little black flies!

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