Friday, May 20, 2022

Finding it hard to look at the H11 project

I continue finding it very difficult to look at the H11 project. It saddens me this illegal war that Russia has created in Ukraine. It is H11 people fighting H11 people likely as there is a large percentage of H11 in both of these countries. I remember when I was a child all the talk of a new era as Europe rebuilt in the 1940s/1950s/1960s. It took a long time to erase all the war damage from all those countries. Germany mentioned that they were still finding bombs from the Second World War and it is over 80 years since that started now. In another three years it will be 80 years since it ended. I was born after the war but my childhood was full of news reels at the shows (which I went to every Saturday with my grandfather and brothers (and likely my sister when I was quite young as she is six years older than me)) showing bombed out England and Europe (Europe includes Russia as there is both a European Russia and an Asian Russia). The saddest pictures were of the Concentration Camps where so many Jewish people were put to death. One of my father's friends during his years of working (he ran his own company) was Jewish and I think that actually knowing someone that was Jewish made it all the more meaningful to me as a child. It wasn't just a distant happening to people I did not know. But the talk was often upbeat discussing the New Era that was coming to us although there was always that tension of the Iron Curtain that Russia had drawn across the map of Europe. Why did Russia do that? I think I always heard that Russia had this need of a buffer zone between themselves and the West. I never understood it because we, the West, flew tons and tons of military equipment and food into Russia to help them fight the Nazis during the Second World War. Being a Christian Nation one would have thought that they understood why at the end of the war we then helped in the recovery effort to bring all those countries and their peoples back to a living standard that would support good will in the world. Russia was bent on revenge. So much so that even when German Reunification was proposed they opposed it. But the difference for the people in Eastern Germany (the Russian sector) and Western Germany (the British, American and French sectors) was unbelievable. Western Germany was modern and Eastern Germany had barely moved out of the end of the Second World War. Revenge doesn't work although every one is tempted to revenge the ills against them for sure. Moving on and ignoring the people who do wrong unless they have broken laws (and unfortunately inciting people to do wrong for you is still very difficult to prove and get a conviction) is still the better way. The high road that Jesus took led him to fulfilling his legacy in the world and is always the case for those who carry the standard of truth and love. So we took the high road and brought Europe back (and of course they worked very hard as well) and the Iron Curtain descended. It would appear that Putin liked that Iron Curtain and wants to bring it back. There will always be an excuse for each time he and this thugs infringe on another's country's liberty but it is a lie. It is barbaric and mediaeval. We live in the modern century and probably have far more to worry about as we make ourselves more and more visible in the universe. If homo sapiens can arise on earth then other forms of life or homo sapiens itself can arise on another planet and we may need to defend ourselves from outside of our world. We always need to be ready not fighting amongst ourselves. 

I love democracy but not everyone sees it the same way as I do. I know that. Communism had much promise in Karl Marx's writings but Russia did not follow the strict writings and allowed oligarchs to dominate their economy so that the masses of the people did not benefit like they have in China. We do have these two large countries to look at from outside and see the results of a Communist government in them. Russia is basically a dictatorship kept in place by the thugs of the dictator Putin. China continues as a Communist government but their people are more respected although also are restricted like Russia in hearing the actual news of the world. I do find it exciting that China is in space and doing marvelous things and sharing them with all of us. Space is the New Frontier for sure. 

My next project is the Pincombe Newsletter due the first of June and it will be on time. I will also get back to the Siderfin Book revision but it is gardening time and parts of each of my days will go towards the yard and getting it fixed up. Last summer I accomplished very little as I look about. Really I was just going through life and not really living life. This year I shall do better but it is the first time on my own really in my entire life as an adult without my husband. I can see the benefit of living on one's own before marriage now but that wasn't actually the lifestyle then anyway. Life is always changing in some ways and it does often seem like an improvement on the time before. 

I wish that Russia would simply leave Ukraine and let the Ukrainians solve their own differences in some of these areas that are contested. Russia has murdered thousands of civilians in the Ukraine and injured even more. Russia has no right to be there with their soldiers, their guns, their tanks, their bombs. Crimea should again be part of the Ukraine because of the illegal war that Russia has waged. There has to be punishment for what they have done. I think the loss of their veto in the United Nations Security Council would be a sign that they have been wrong (they earned that veto along with the other countries that fought and defeated the Nazis). Putting the Crimea back into Ukraine would be a second punishment for their illegal war against Ukraine. The Russian people need to decide though about Putin although replacing him as their head of state does sound like a good idea given what he has done in Ukraine and releasing political prisoners from jail would allow their form of government to once again continue. Perhaps most importantly those Russians placed in these former Iron Curtain countries should now make a decision on whether they accept the government of the country that they are currently said to be part of and if not they should be expelled and hopefully Russia will take them back as the Soviet Union placed them in these countries during the Iron Curtain era. They should not be permitted to be fifth columnists in these countries causing trouble that results in death and destruction. That sounds like a good set of punishments for the illegal war which Russia is waging against Ukraine.

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