Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Growing grass

Sometimes I wonder is it the sign of the times or just silliness. My front lawn has needed some grass growing for a bit along the front edge. Everyone probably has the same problem with all the salt and the metre high or more snow hills at the end of our property that faces the road. Combine that with having one person constantly park this enormous truck in front of my property most nights and many days that completely takes up the spot because the truck is so big. I have only complained twice about this practice because I really do not care if he parks his truck there but when I need it moved I would appreciate that happening. Once it was parked part way across my laneway so that I could not drive out but it was a pretty blustery day and I simply put a note on their windshield to let them know they were blocking my laneway. That has not happened again. Yesterday I asked his mother if she could have the truck moved off of my grass as the wheels were over the kerb. I received no answer. Mind you I was asking from across the street but the distance isn't that great so I know she heard me. I was tired having raked my lawn preparing it for some black earth and grass seed. I wanted to do it right to the edge and have the job done. The truck is still on my grass but I have spread the black earth and added grass seed and soaked it last night. I will put up a fence when he moves it today - at least hopefully he will move it today. Ottawa has had such a bad time this past week with the hydro failure but we have had ours back for a couple of days now. I just do not want to create trouble but I would appreciate at least not having truck wheels on my lawn which I am trying to grow as winter is now over. 

Yesterday was pretty much cleaning, yard work and not much else. Although I do always play my solitaire games and a new addition is quite nice. You can earn double points if you do extra games and of course I could not resist that. Solitaire is a fun game and even better on the computer. 

Today I might get to the Pincombe Newsletter once again. I have downloaded quite a few records but South Molton does not have a surplus in records. I do have the fiche though and will take the time to read through them myself from 1601 (they begin late) until 1700. 

A beautiful day today but started out at 7 degrees celsius. More yard work and just a little of the basement left to clean. We will transplant more raspberry plants to the back of the yard and one other spot that could have raspberries. Then we can start to prepare the ground for carrots, green onions, lettuces, parsley and spinach. I will wait until the full moon's likely frost night and then plant the tomatoes and peppers. The sunflowers are growing nicely in the mini greenhouse as well as the parsley and basil. The carrots will be at the back of the raspberries and will be principally for the little animals that frequent our yard. They generally stay away from the top of the yard where we are regularly and keep to the back and eat away at whatever we grow there. 

The waiting game in the illegal Russian War against Ukraine continues. One would wish it was over before too many more people have to die. The escalation of the war is dangerous for mankind for sure - people would not have to think about economies because there will not be a world for that to happen on in a nuclear war. I was glad that George Soros spoke up about the war. We should not fear Putin - he lives in a past that thought only of revenge. For most of us and I think it includes China; we want peace and a good life for the people of the world. Stealing land was the nazi way and Putin and his thugs need to look at themselves to see the new nazis of the world.

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