Tuesday, May 31, 2022

I have been drifting; time to get organized

I always have these moments when I just seem to be drifting along and part of that is being tired. I have been working harder than usual and it saps my mental strength as well as my physical strength. But the gardens are mostly in now and the work load will be easier - mostly watering if we do not get enough rain. I always feel a sense of drifting when that happens. I do not appear to be accomplishing as much as I want and the piles start to appear. So today is a pile elimination day along with cleaning. I managed to forget to clean yesterday. 

Less attention to the great outside world and more attention to the piles. The good news though is the grass is growing in the front yard by the street edge. I am glad to see that and hope to keep encouraging it. I have also let some of the wild flowers grow in the grass. It is more colourful that way and gives the bees a chance to survive and rebuild their colonies. We cut it longer these days and I rather like the look. More like a meadow  than a manicured lawn. It appeals to my sense of how the world needs to go. Less manicured and more careful to protect the world that we have been given to nurture and preserve. 

Prayers for Ukraine are always ongoing in my mind. The European Union is doing the best that they can do. That so many countries can come together and oppose this slaughter of innocents in Ukraine is a marvelous happening. My admiration for Russian achievement has taken an enormous hit the last three months and will continue to do so. The peoples of Russia have a right to a better life than they are given. The wonder of the 1990s when the shackles fell off has been replaced by heavy restriction and life in a country that limits personal freedom and the ability to improve ones life it would appear looking in from the outside. It is a sad end to a communist experience that when compared to China falls short of improving the life of the vast majority of the Russian people in favour of benefiting only the Russian oligarchs which include Putin and his enablers. I think if we just do not buy any of the products that eventually come from the areas of Ukraine that Russia has stolen then we are helping Ukraine on into the future. Make it impossible for Russia to benefit from this land steal and that would help to pay Russia back for their inexcusable horror that they have put onto the Ukraine people and the world that cares about Ukraine. Regard that area as a wasteland not fit to produce items for resale in the world until the land returns to Ukraine.  Russia can never justify what they have done in Ukraine. It is a sin and one of the seven deadly sins of the Christian Church - greed.

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