Wednesday, May 11, 2022

It is God's Planet after all

Since God has been invoked in this war against Ukraine perhaps remembering that it is God's Planet after all should bring an end to the war. Devastation is being committed in Ukraine and the peoples of the world who depend on the grains of food produced in Ukraine; sitting in silos waiting to be exported in Ukraine; do need to have that food. Perhaps the easiest way to create an exit to the war is to remember that it is God's planet after all and feeding his people was always uppermost in Hisì⁹ mind throughout the Bible. In the New Testament uppermost in the mind of Jesus was the New Covenant to love God with all of our might and to love our neighbour's as ourselves. It really is time to lay down the arms of war and pick up the tools of peace and once again let Ukraine do what she does to help feed the peoples of the world. The fields need to be planted not fought over. Russian soldiers need to go home. President Putin stop sending the youth of Russia to the battlefields to die. They need to go back and produce the crops also needed for the peoples of the world. In a war there are no winners; everyone loses but having the ability to step back takes a man. 

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