Friday, May 13, 2022

it feels medieval

The illegal war that Russia is waging against Ukraine feels medieval. There is no reason for it but greed for land. Russia has more land than any country in the world. But they stab their neighbour in the back and try to steal more having already taken the Crimea from them. Why did we not react then one might ask. The main reason was the welcome given by the Crimean people and the world was not yet ready. We didn't want to believe perhaps. But covid changed us. We became used to sudden death on a huge scale. We learned to fight again. 

Then Russia attacked Ukraine for no reason that would stand up to the rule of law. Rather they broke the law because they are greedy. It has nothing to do with NATO. Russia tried to destroy NATO between 2016 and 2020 and Putin thought he had weakened it. 

But attacking Ukraine galvanized  NATO and proved that such an organization needs to exist. Russia showed non-aligned countries they needed  protection from Russia. Now Russia whines just like Hitler during the waiting time before WWII. And so we wait and see. A talk between President Zelensky and President Putin would certainly be very interesting. The world should be their audience.

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