Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Its Tuesday and lots of rain has fallen which is good news

Just a little bit more cleaning to do and I can move on to my one name studies and start thinking about the Pincombe Newsletter. I do think I will look at the South Molton Pincombe family to see what I can find. My eyes feel somewhat rested again as that will also entail going into the records online plus what I have acquired through the years on this particular line. 

I have a few new H11 members of the study group and will assign them to their particular subclade. I am so hoping that all has settled by August so that I can publish the newsletter once again. Looking out my window these days the backyard is covered by trees now. They all touch each other especially with this fresh rain. I think my view of the sky will soon be obliterated by tree leaves in the summer. The yard has changed a great deal in 45 years of living in this house. It started out as full sun pretty much and now it is approaching full shade. It is hard to garden in full shade for sure. But on the other hand gardening is not really my thing so I guess it will work in the long run for me. It is just a matter of keeping it tamed. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. The news does seem to be better coming out of this war zone these days in terms of Ukraine throwing out the Russians from their country. Russia is complaining now that the money that they have in reserve in the banks in Europe should not be used to rebuild Ukraine. It is an argument that would not hold much water with people other than Russians I suspect. One cannot invade a country; destroy their infrastructure and not expect repercussions. It is sad really as the people of Russia (who do not support this war) should surely not have to suffer. 

Moving forward into the day. The world outside my window looked very calm at 6:00 am this morning.  The birds were busy as were the squirrels. The rabbits appear to have disappeared for the moment but the dogs were here for a few days and that does tend to discourage them from running in the yard.

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