Sunday, May 1, 2022

May Day and it is Sunday once again

Spring has truly come to Canada and May Day, for me, marks the beginning of that short wonderful season that has also been dubbed Mud Season. That it comes on a Sunday is also lovely. Today I shall be outside once again; I spent quite a bit of yesterday outside. The fresh air is wonderful and I am remembering to wear my sunglasses as I am noticing the brightness once again and it seems to take my eyes longer to get used to all of that. 

Very happy to hear that some people were allowed to leave the Steel Plant in Mariupol. Hopefully more will be permitted to leave today. Reading about the war in Ukraine renders up images of barbarism that hasn't been seen in Europe for quite a while. Greed is disgusting at any time but to murder people because of land greed makes it an even greater sin. I am very happy to let people have all the money that they want really; the more you have the more you need to worry about it and the more you have to protect it. So being not rich has its assets. The human existence has survived because people struggle constantly against the elements and against the greed that seems to be endemic in some people. 

I have been watching the early dawn but my binoculars are not strong enough for my eyes to see the treasures in the sky these days. We must set up the telescope and perhaps that will happen before the foliage becomes too thick on the trees. 

Perhaps today I will be able to get to the Siderfin book as I have completed my look at the clusters in My Heritage. I will make a list of the matches that are large and interesting to add to the database and work away at that over the next few days as well. 

Thanks be to God for all that He has given to us. 

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