Thursday, May 26, 2022

Rabbits apparently really like grass seed

Watched last evening at dusk as the local rabbit was eating my grass seed. Hopefully I put enough down that there will still be grass to grow. It is interesting actually being able to look at the street in front of me as the truck is, for the moment, not parked in front of my house. As I said I do not have a problem with it being there in general but wheels on grass that I am trying to grow didn't work for me so I am glad that my request was honoured eventually. 

Yesterday was weeding and my neighbour has taken the table saw which is great. It is heavy and occupied part of the garage so another huge item gone. This will be a downsizing summer which we hope will end with a minimal amount of belongings in the house. Just enough for us to manage our lives and we are all minimalists so that really works. I have given away so much now mostly to the Salvation Army which I hope has benefited from all of that material at resale.  It was all good stuff but I just do not have any need for it and I continue to aim for my one room concept although a little larger than that for a while but for myself everything that I need I want to fit into one room. 

Today it is raining so I shall don my rain suit and move more raspberry seedlings. It is so much easier to garden in the rain. A lot less work in terms of digging and no watering to do. Gardening is not my favourite task as I often say but the products of gardening are quite nice - the primroses continue to bloom and they are lovely - five different colours of primrose and they are gradually creating daughter colonies which is rather nice. 

Perhaps some work today; that hasn't happened yet all week as we were busy cleaning and then gardening but the plastic shed is now back in its box and the patio is clear once again. The garage is somewhat full but the next task is to empty the shed and redo it with the bookcases from the garage and eliminating all the surplus that is in there. Lengths of wood, old doors and all that type of thing that my husband was sure to keep in case it was needed by him at some future date. I have a lot of that kind of material. I think that is when I do feel sad again at his loss; he intended to live forever and he does in our hearts. We wish that it could be so but acceptance is coming slowly but surely as we have no choice on that. 

A few new members of the H11 study and I must get them assigned to their subclade (FT DNA does the assigning actually but I have a secret set of subclades that I do put them into). They can see these people that match them even more closely on their websites so nothing new in that but the compilation is rather interesting each February. Still praying that the war will be a thing of the past by the 1st of August and that Putin and his thugs are gone from the life of Russia. It is so sad to see people treated that way; not being able to see what is happening around the world and particularly where their sons/brothers/fathers are dying in an illegal war which Putin started to eliminate Nazis he says. Nazis are land stealers so he is the Nazi and one would hope that he practises what he preaches and eliminates the Nazis in his government along with himself from the life of Russia so that those people can have a better life. 

China in the news today and their security package for a group of ten nearby island governments. Does China want peace in the world so that their economy can prosper? One watches and listens trying not to be distracted by "fake news" or "alarmist views" although slightly different they have the same effect. Peace is the important thing; not killing of innocent civilians in order to steal land. Russia's blockade of the ports preventing dry food crops from leaving the Ukraine ports drives up the price of goods so that they can replenish their treasury with their own grain products at higher prices. Will time ever erode greed? it was greed that caused the Second World War and greed continues even knowing what happened in that war. China experienced the Second World War as well and had to move their industrial base to the west away from their coast in order to arm themselves and eventually push the Nazis (for the people who attacked them also wanted land) away from their country. For them too it was a long grueling battle to rid themselves of the conquering armies. But for plucky England with the help of her Commonwealth/Empire the Nazis would have overrun everything in 1940 - that was a vicious year until the USA declared war in December 1941. All greed for land no wonder it is one of the worst sins of the Catholic Church. We have known for thousands of years that greed is so destructive. Then there is revenge and Russian leaders appear to carry their revenge for ever instead of taking the high road of Christianity (which they claim to be - Christian) and moving on to a better life for all.

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