Monday, May 2, 2022

Rain in May means spring flowers will become much thicker and more abundant

January's snows

February's thaws

March's winds

April's showers

May's flowers

Which isn't always the way that it goes here in Canada as the snow of January tends to stick around into April with the thaws in March although we do get rain and snow in April but the flowers they manage to poke their heads through the March snows and give us some lovely colours from March on. One can feel spring coming because those brave flowers poke their heads up on a bright sunny March day. 

The EU leaders are meeting to talk about an oil embargo - wonderful news. It is spring in Europe; the oil is needed for their factories but they will find a way I am sure. Russia must get out of Ukraine. That kind of life belongs to the past and should stay there. Murdering defenceless women and children is a disgrace that will blemish the Russian people for a generation or more. To actually think that they are denazifying a people is incongruous with what is going on. How can they believe such lies. Russians have become the Nazis of former days - people who think that might is right and land is there for them to have. They are plundering another country; a greedy land grab. Whose land will be next - where are all the places that Russians were sent to by the Soviet Union. Check your borders and the citizens within your borders. Russia has given us no choice. The world must protect itself from Russia - arm Ukraine; send them everything they need to cast out the Nazis of Russia. 

I feel sad not to have written up my H11 Newsletter. I just found that I could not write a friendly newsletter when some of the H11 people of Ukraine may be murdered already and others remain under threat of being murdered by possibly H11 Russians. It is abhorrent to kill one's own kin. Jesus said Love they neighbour as theyself; they are breaking the second commandment of the new Covenant Jesus made for us with God. 

Yesterday I extracted all of the matches from the Cluster files on My Heritage. About 250 new matches that I have not really looked at. I will not keep them all likely as I do have a size limit that I work with these days - matches of less than 20 cM I tend not to keep unless there is something unusual that catches my attention (like I can actually see where we are related in terms of family names). That is one length must be about 20 cM so it will eliminate as much as 50% of them. Even if there are two lengths and they add up to 20 cM I still do not keep them but having the Clusters reminds me that there are a number of people matching us in that area. 

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