Saturday, May 14, 2022

Surely Russia has better things to do than threaten people and carry out an illegal war in Ukraine

 I would have thought a country like Russia with so much land and so much talent could find better things to do than attack its neighbour. It is what you do in the future that counts the past is the past (Ukraine has done nothing to Russia in her past and especially during the Second World War they helped to slow down the Nazi advance on Moscow). As a 76 year old I am very much a believer in that idea. Russia can not now undo all of the harm, devastation and murder that it has done in Ukraine but you could now withdraw and try to make amends by helping them to rebuild (give them money) and a lot of apologies. In the future keep your military inside of your borders unless you are asked (or you volunteer) to serve in one of the United Nations special forces to help keep the peace. One thing Russia should definitely lose is the "veto" which she received in the UN Security Council. She could still keep her permanent seat. But there must be consequences for her actions these past seventy plus days.

I suppose Russian news you think it is a joke to tell your people how many seconds it takes for one of your armed ICBMs to reach the capital cities of countries but have you thought about how fast ICBMs would come back to you. The instant you fire then everyone knows and guess what happens. It is called World War III and no body wins; even the earth loses as it explodes into a million/billion/trillion pieces to float around the galaxy as asteroids.

Get a grip on yourselves in Russia; start to be men instead of two year olds demanding what isn't theirs to have. You had so much potential after WWII but you cast it away seeking revenge; pure revenge. We the other countries that fought Hitler and his thugs could have done that but we took the high road that Jesus pointed out to us. Forgive and forget; move on and make a better life than what was there before. You did do some great things like putting the first person into space; I applauded you for that way back in the 50s when I was still a child. You did great work in science; I read some of your papers when I studied Chemistry. What happened to all that promise? Lost to greed. Do not let the greedy in your country ruin your country. Move on to a peaceful life; make use of all the gifts that your lands give to you. Create industries that benefit your people not just the oligarchs. Bring people up to a good life; that was the promise of communism but you failed; do not fail again. A better life for the Russian people is what you want but bombing European capitals or anywhere else doesn't give you that.  It means Armageddon.

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