Friday, May 27, 2022

Ukraine and rare-metal resources

One item that is most interesting the area in which all of this fighting is occurring in Ukraine (the Donbas) is also the home to the largest  rare-metal resources in Europe. Now it is even easier to understand the greed for land that is being shown to us in this Russian invasion of Ukraine. All they want is the land and the treasures. The Soviet Union sent Russian people into these countries to live in the areas with the richest sources of particular items perhaps and now these fifth columnists have done their job and created havoc so that the Russians under Putin have become the Nazis of old as their greed for land becomes more and more apparent. They just keep sending young Russian men to die as cannon fodder struggling forward to take the treasures that lie in these areas. 

When does it end? This greed that people have. Share the resources; bring in minimum income so that everyone on the face of the earth can live without fear of poverty. Live the simple life that Jesus taught us. 

Looking ahead what do we see. We see Russia with its fairly mixed population but basically an Eastern European population and a West Asian population. We see China with its mostly Asian and particularly Chinese population (in many ways it is a purist state although there are a fair number of people whose DNA is slightly different from the bulk of the population that is Chinese). Between the two of them and the countries that support them we can see a good sized portion of the World Island as it has been called since it is the largest landmass in the world. Hitler had an entire ministry devoted to looking at the World Island (the Western Hemisphere was less interesting to him perhaps because he knew less about it). But his ministry pinpointed the areas that were most supportive (ie rich natural resources) of the Nazi Empire he planned to build.

Is Ukraine just a feint. An attempt to waste as much western European resource as possible before pulling out all the stops and accomplishing the perhaps initial plans of Putin to link Crimea with Russia. It has backfired on him in some ways as it has exposed an even greater danger of Russia attempting to take all of the southern part of Ukraine around the Black Sea and link to the break away republic in Moldavia where they already have 1500 Russian soldiers stationed. Some people are like Trump in Europe and dream of being dictators and are perhaps counted on by Russia to create some disunity in Europe (which they have done). Dictatorship, to the dictator and his enablers, sounds like such a marvelous life of wealth and power and some people get sucked into it. But most dictators end up dead fortunately for the world as they become more and more greedy as time passes. 

I do think Ukraine is somewhat like England (supported by the Commonwealth/Empire) fighting on bravely alone against the Nazis (the Russians have now become this group of greedy people). Then you have the OPEC countries waiting with baited breath for war to break out so they can make even more money (that has been the case for the last two World Wars) so they sit silently on the sidelines waiting. They do not care who wins; it is just all about money. 

So they do not really hate democracy and quite likely they enjoy it because of all the squabbles from which they think they are safe. They just bring in their military and enforce whatever rules they want. What causes wars is land greed and it has been that way since man/woman first left the caves and started to carve out territory for themselves. Democracy is an easy target to fixate on because, of all the types of government, it depends upon people behaving in a humanitarian way towards their neighbours and supporting those in the democracy who are not able to fend for themselves but rely on the government to do that. The other cause we will likely see in the future is race purism once again - although DNA does tell us that we are 99% alike. The Pandemic verified that as it raced around the world infecting every area of it equally.

So as my mother said about the leadup to the Second World War; the waiting time begins. The ball is in motion and sides are beginning to form. It is immature that even in 2022 people do not respect human life or the planet and think only of land greed.

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