Friday, May 27, 2022

Working on the Pincombe Newsletter

 Yesterday was a day of good accomplishment on the Pincombe Newsletter. I do think though that looking at the South Molton branch of the Pincombe family will be a continuing article. Working my way through the fiche is going to be time consuming. My eyes do not appear to be as strong as they used to be reading fiche. Perhaps I am getting old! But at nearly 77 my ability to quickly read the tiny print is becoming problematic and I can only do a bit at a time. However the fiche do not begin until 1602 nor do the Bishops Transcripts making the task of looking at South Molton in the 1500s very difficult other than the tax records which is really only looking at perhaps 10 to 20 percent of the population not sure on that. However the 1600s is the time period that I am curious about as it appears that the family that bore the coat of arms for the Pincombe family did move to Poughill and another Pincombe family from North Molton moved to South Molton. The move to Poughill date is unknown to me at this time but the parish registers show the baptisms for the North Molton family in South Molton. All very interesting for sure but which family acquired the family lore of the Pincombe family of South Molton being the founders of the Pincombe family later found in Barnstaple and Bideford. The Poughill Pincombe family eventually daughtered out and the Gertrude Pyncombe Trust was established eventually with a large part of that family's estate going to charity. 

I also managed to move another twelve raspberry seedlings to another location in the yard. I want to continue moving the seedlings so that we can prepare the garden for planting this next week. Gardening is certainly a never ending adventure although the grass has quite surprised me with its resilience. Last summer I just didn't water when we were in drought and I really thought the lawn might not recover. However there are patches that need repair in the back lawn but they are gradually filling in. Time will tell but this year I will water for sure.

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