Sunday, June 26, 2022

A very busy Sunday

 I was out the door at 8 00 am lining up to get a tetanus shot because I got tangled in some metal wire that had some rust. It is eight years since I had a tetanus shot so that seemed to be a first priority today. I did arrive home in time to go to Church on You-Tube which was nice. As always I am much appreciate of having Church of You-Tube as it is unlikely that I will manage a trip downtown in the next while. Eventually I would like to go perhaps once a month and time will tell on that. 

We had three boxes of hazardous waste that we drove to the special waste disposal event set up by the city and that took part of our afternoon.

As well a new home has been found for the canvas sided cedar strip canoe (18 foot, cargo) that we have had for 54 years and I am so happy about that. Today it was picked up by two very kind people to be delivered to the new owner. It is in good shape and will give a lot of years of service to the new owners. They are a young family like we were so many years ago now. 

The rest of the day has been spent shopping and cooking. It was a very fast moving day.

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