Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Another cleaning week accomplished

 Cleaning in just two days is working very well. It means that there are these lovely five days to just enjoy and that generally means working on my computer and following through with my four exercise periods. Lately I have had problems with the Achilles tendon of my right foot. It all started with my foot getting too cold in the winter at the cottage and then when we got back home I didn't let it warm up enough with exercise before I ran. I had to do a lot of walking to get the foot back into shape but overdoing it with all the cleaning and downsizing brought on Achilles tendinitis which on occasion I have enjoyed in the past! However, more work on it and I am running once again although just a short amount (about ten minutes and very carefully). But we added in a four mile walk that involves a lot of sideways motion and that exercise is bringing my foot back into line with the other. I think that is perhaps aging self-explained; our muscles/tendons tolerate less change than we might like but we have to just go along with the adjustments and bring ourselves back to a level of fitness that suits us. The joys of old age perhaps and I would have gone to a physiotherapist but I have been too busy to get that set up. I do like physiotherapy though as an exercise plan designed by a professional is so much better than what I design although my calisthenics program I did design and it got the seal of approval by the physiotherapist before COVID. 

More work on the Kipp Newsletter today. I would like to complete it sooner rather than later so that I can spend more time collecting the data on the subsidies for Somerset in the 1500s for the next Blake newsletter due in October. Still waiting on the illegal war against Ukraine which Russia started to end so that I can publish my H11 Newsletter once again. This illegal war has become vicious Nazi-style tactics against a smaller neighbour where Putin and his enablers bomb shopping centres full of people to inflict the greatest amount of damage to civilians and try to instill fear into the people. The fear level isn't working but the hate level is increasing where it didn't exist before. I had great respect for Russia back in the 1950s when they put Yuri Gagarin into space. Then when Nikita Khrushchev  and John Kennedy found a compromise on the nuclear crisis over Cuba one could admire the Russia that had emerged from serfdom in 1917 and was becoming a well educated and industrial complex. But then Putin came on the scene and now the Nazi Putin and his enablers have spoiled all of that with their attacks on neighbouring countries which they try to claim as their own - first Georgia and now Ukraine. It is simply land greed and Russia is already the largest country in the world. The world order was meant to move forward not backwards in time where imperialism ruled the day - imperialism doesn't work in our modern age. It causes wars which take us backwards and destroys infrastructure. We need to work towards a better future; protect the earth and work on climate change. 

Put up fences to try to keep the rabbits out of some of the crops and will see how that works. The sunflowers are growing rapidly now behind their fences; they just need to get big enough that the rabbits can not chew them down!

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