Thursday, June 16, 2022

Another Downsizing day

Yesterday was another downsizing day as another load filled the back of the caravan and we delivered the items here and there. Every time a load goes out we have a look to see what can be next and I continue to marvel at how much stuff we accumulated over 54.5 years of marriage.  The simpler life is our aim these days so that we can move to a smaller place if we do that. At the moment all of us using the house makes it practical to continue as we are. The yard suits us well and has turned out to be a much easier task with restorative gardening in place - less back breaking for sure. 

Not too much accomplished yesterday on the Blake Newsletter. Mostly just thinking. Finding Humphrey's parents has eluded a number of genealogists for years but I still wonder if anyone has ever gone through the tax subsidies for these areas where the Blake line that is Humphrey's is found in the 1500s. Going back into the 1400s there doesn't appear to be any Blake there but I have not seen enough records yet to really state that as a fact. The name when it appears is Blakedon or Blakemor which sounds more like a place name than a surname. But interesting none the less. 

Still playing my microsoft solitaire everyday and that wakes up my brain each morning. I think it is nice to give a bit of a challenge on first awakening just to keep the cogs turning about in the brain. 

Very overcast today and definitely looks like rain so I will not go out and water today likely. That will be a nice change from racing out the door early to water. Everything is so very green; it is beautiful. Looking out the window now the trees are filling in and soon there will just be a few patches of sky visible. How my view has changed in the last fourty four years looking out this window. We moved here 26 April 1978 and have lived here in this house ever since. Edward went house hunting with the girls years ago when they were about 2 and 10 years of age but they came back disappointed because the newer singles had smaller bedrooms and the girls liked their big rooms here and so we stayed on here; I have never wanted to move; this house has always suited me. 

Continuing prayers for Ukraine and that Russia will remove their illegal weapons of war from Ukraine and go back to Russia and take better care of their country. Forest fires are raging and the money they are wasting on this war could be used to improve their own country instead of destroying the Ukraine and murdering Ukraine civilians (presumably so that when they hold a vote the pro-Russian people will win a referendum). This land grab is such an act of greed and in this modern century it is hard to believe after the last century with two world wars that Russia would embark on such an imperialist conquest. All the world has to work together to make this world a lasting place for humankind. Let the United Nations be the place where arguments are solved between people not the battlefield.

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