Monday, June 20, 2022

Busy day traveling

 We went away for a couple of days and it was a pleasant time weather wise and company wise. It was just a nice relaxing couple of days although we helped out with a couple of projects which is always fun. Families working together on a project is always fun for sure. 

The dogs were so very happy to see me; forgot their manners and leapt up but I figured they would so I had braced myself for that. They are big dogs roughly 50 and 60 pounds each but they quickly remembered they were not to jump up on Grandma because she is old although I can handle it I prepared them for the time when I couldn't so they wouldn't be upset at knocking me down!

Not much has changed in our time away. Russia continues their greedy trek into Ukraine killing civilians with no regard for them as people with rights. Although it is sad to see that Germany has had to turn on their coal plants once again it is Russia's fault and they will suffer more than anyone else because like Canada they are a northern country and we are subject to the greatest changes in the environment with the north heating up much faster than the rest of the world. They have the forest fires to show that that is so very true. But their greed continues as they assault and kill civilians in the Ukraine and steal their possessions just like the Nazis in the Second World War as they invaded country after country. When does it stop? soon I hope. It is the height of ignorance to undertake such a land steal as Russia has embarked on in the last three months plus.

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