Thursday, June 2, 2022

Celebration of Life for Edward in the planning stages

I met with the priest yesterday to plan Edward's celebration of life. I did not realize how much construction was going on downtown so my daughter had to drop me off and come back for me instead of joining me in the meeting. I should have checked but I am definitely getting older. Going to the meeting was a trip down memory lane as I have not been to the Church since before COVID. This great watershed in time has now occurred and everything is before COVID or during COVID or after COVID since I believe we are now on the other side of that watershed moment. It was a long watershed moment lasting over two years whilst time stood still for us in many ways. It will be forever remembered by us as the years in which we lost Edward (our centre pin for sure). But I am gradually adjusting to this change in my life although I rather think I will never really adjust but simply accept and continue with my life as it was except forever changed by the watershed moment. 

It rained heavily yesterday so no watering which was a relief as the mosquitoes are at their worst for sure. Perhaps the rainy dull slightly cool weather will stay with us and help the grass to grow. I did spread more grass seed last evening in the rain. The lawn is looking so much better than I thought it would which is nice. The maple tree is really huge this year and has a pair of cardinals nesting in it which is rather exciting. It is a perfect spot for nesting; away from houses and a really large tree with lots of branches and good foliage already. Another couple of weeks and I will just see the sky through the branches. When we moved here there were no trees. It had been farmland. But now it is a settled subdivision (we have been here for fourty four years now with lots of tree growth. The maple tree is just over fourty years of age. This yard has seen a lot of trees. We planted four fruit trees all of which finely succumbed to black mould. But the maple tree grew in this land and it thrives. The Greek Olive trees thrived but we finally took them down to open up the end of the yard. There is a thick cedar hedge at the back which was thinned a little by a car driver that drove through the fences but it has come back a little. We have tried putting in new cedars a few times but they never survive so instead I planted raspberry canes and they are thriving thus far. Time will tell. But cedars and raspberries live together in the wild so perhaps they will prosper and fill in the vacancy left by the car. 

The garden is up a little - the green onions have poked their way through. The other seeds will come in their time. The peppers and tomato plants are doing well and the sunflowers are growing in their peat bases ready to set out in a bit. Still zucchini to plant and will do that. The cucumbers are at the back where wild animals tend to eat them and the carrots as well are behind the raspberries where they will likely be eaten by wild animals. 

Other than that the gardens are ready. I pull out the large weeds that are obstructing the flowers but otherwise we are regenerating the land by letting the weeds grow and die down. The dandelions are unmolested by us and the bees are all over the yard which is a good thing. 

Cleaning all accomplished yesterday and today is a working day. I have a few projects. I need to add the images to the Pincombe newsletter on my blog although the pdf does include the images but is behind a firewall at FT DNA for the members of the Pincombe study. 

I might start to think about the Blake Newsletter just in case life becomes busy in this lovely new month of June. June is unpredictable. It can be cool and wet and it can be warm and sunny or both during the month. 

Prayers for Ukraine and an end to the violence. I see one of the top soccer players in the world has asked Putin to stop the war. Thank you for that and hopefully it will soon be over. Stealing land is so much a part of the past of our world. We are the future not burdened by the errors of the past but trying to move on to make a better life for our world not destroying it with bombs just to steal land especially the wealth of the land - greed is a dreadful vice. 

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