Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Cleaning completed in two days and some downsizing

A good two days of cleaning and downsizing at the same time. All of the toys have been sorted through and downsized. Two boxes for Salvation Army and one box for a niece's children if they would like them. Today we are off to play again sports with a bicycle, two sets of cross country skiing equipment and a pair of ice skates. Our next downsizing will be washing up all of Edward's clothes (and some dry cleaning likely) and taking them to one of the agencies that could make use of them along with his shoes and boots. I have kept them for quite a while partly because of COVID but mostly we were just not really ready to part with them but they will not be of use to anyone if we wait much longer and he always gave his clothes away that he didn't wear anymore so we will do the same in his memory. 

The basement is looking better and better in terms of getting around. For Edward, he had it arranged just as he liked it with everything at hand. But we do not use tools and things so wanted it to be more open and it is now. Plus if we ever do decide to sell and move then we probably would not have a basement so a practical thing to do as well. The tools that we do not keep will go to the Tool Library. Edward had taken a number of items to the Tool Library already a year or so before COVID. We are going to use up all of that spare laminate and put a wooden floor (over thin cork) on the basement floor that we use for the exercise room. 

Watered the areas where I am trying to grow grass yesterday and will do that again today. It is growing but want to just keep that coming along. The next big adventure for us is the canoe. It is about 70 pounds and 50+ years old. It has never been in an accident and is cedar strip canvas covered and stored carefully all these years. It is a cargo canoe so wider across the beam than usual canoes. It is too heavy for us to use but has traveled miles and miles through Canadian parks when Edward and I were young especially although we still had it out probably a dozen times every summer on the Ottawa River. Our last time out was in the summer of 2018 and I was having to do too much lifting that time so we decided not to do it again. It is pretty heavy to swing it up on a car although Edward did that with ease (and some help). 

Russia continues with its greedy illegal war in the Ukraine. It continues to seem diabolical actually that in this time; in this century greed could so dominate a people that they would murder their cousins, friends, neighbours just to take their land, possessions and the riches that abound in that land. Deep in my heart I want to believe that the bulk of the Russian people find this abhorrent but we do not see it. Russia has the largest landmass of any country in the world and yet they attack their smaller neighbour, assault them, steal from them and force them to flee from their homes where their families have lived for thousands of years. It is ignorant and it is greedy. The news says that Putin grew up poor but that isn't an excuse for what he is doing now; he is just greedy and that isn't influenced by growing up rich or poor or in between. He just never learned to be a humane person loving his neighbour as himself. Putin and his enablers are a horror and so sinful in their greed of their neighbours' possessions. They have broken so many of the Ten Commandments with their greed and their murders.

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