Monday, June 27, 2022

Cleaning day once again

Cleaning day once again and the sun is shining. Warm here today although another cold front is coming in apparently. Rained overnight so perhaps I will not need to water and later today we will plant the rest of the bedding plants - mainly sunflowers. It is late for sure but the summer is still new and we might see sunflowers from them in the early fall. Time will tell. Raspberries seem a bit late this year and will have a look later; last year there were some at the end of June but it seemed early; one gets used to patterns but they do fluctuate. 

I hope to get to the Kipp Newsletter today; we have spent quite a bit of time downsizing the last couple of days so now comes the rearrangement of that now empty space and in some cases dismantling (the holder that Edward created for the canoe can now come down). It was a sad happy feeling watching the canoe drive away but knowing a young family will enjoy that canoe is wonderful. Once the Kipp Newsletter is together then I can move on the Pincombe Newsletter and start doing some research that I need to do for the next Blake Newsletter. I am slowly working my way back into a groove that I was in before Edward's illness. He was busy in his life and I am a home person by nature. He was out and about three days a week and until his illness I avoided being part of all of that. But his illness sapped his strength slowly and I like to think that my starting to go everywhere with him helped to slow that erosion down giving him more years to enjoy. 

But the real me is slowly emerging once again - that quiet person who likes to just work away on projects and life moved on to give me new projects with the DNA of the five of us to work away at resulting in the production of the Blake, Pincombe and H11 Newsletters. I can sense myself again as I knew myself in my late teens before we married. Even before the knife attack which did change me quite a bit; made me a different person than the sixteen year old looking forward to going to University and then Medical School and working in Africa. However, I will not do that now (nor do I actually feel sad about that) but the enthusiasm level is there to take on projects and I like that. 

Well on to breakfast, then cleaning and finally planting the rest of the bedding plants. The day is awake and God has given us another beautiful day to us to enjoy. We must use each day wisely and try to bring the earth back to a place where all survive - the plant, the animal, humankind and most importantly the earth itself. 

Prayers for Ukraine. Prayers for peace in our world so that once again the world can flourish but we need to do it differently; we need to help the world repair itself.

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