Monday, June 6, 2022

Continuing with the Blake Newsletter and cleaning

 The cleaning week begins once again. This is also a downsizing week as we take metal and wood to the dump this week. There will be a car load for sure and that pretty much completes the clean up of the shed. Our concentration will now be on filling the shed with items that are still wanted but not needed at hand. The bookshelves worked beautifully in there and there is plenty of room still for the work bench leaving the centre free for winter storage. The temporary shed in a box will not be used this year which is a bit of a relief as it is a lot of work to put it up but it did hold a lot of items last winter to clear the garage. 

Hopefully a good rain storm tonight and tomorrow otherwise we are watering. We did do some watering last night as it looked a bit dry here and there. The grass has come along nicely (as have the wild flowers; we are calling them that now rather than weeds as we are going to let them grow and be part of the overall picture). 

The look at the Somerset Blake family has been interesting and will continue doing that today. I have a lot of information that I collected but haven't really spent time looking at until now. There are a couple of people who have tested their yDNA line and I have no idea if they represent the oldest lines of Blake in Somerset but their yDNA is old to England but not as ancient as my brothers' testings which shows 8000 to 12000 years before present in England. But then the line at Andover that we descend from is not related to the Calne Blake family on the male line. Others who have family lore of descent from the Calne Blake line have a reasonable result which points towards the le Blak/le Blake family of Rouen France which is an interesting possibility. They did not come with the Conqueror unless there was a back and forth between Rouen and the British Isles between 1066 and 1170s when they appear in the records as applying for a market permit. Fascinating though the history that comes out of all of this research. The Somerset Blake family has family lore (including mention on an ancient Pedigree Chart) that they are descendant of the Blake family of Calne. But putting the dates together does not mesh and that is my investigation at this time. Finding the parents of Humphrey Blake said to be born at Bishops Lydeard and buried at Over Stowey with his life span circa 1500 to 1558. It is an interesting time in British History as it spans Henry VII to Henry VIII to Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth I. Elizabeth I was just coming to the throne at the time of Humphrey's death. The record keeping began in 1538 for a number of parishes and so the hunt begins for the parents of Humphrey. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. Interesting that all the countries around Serbia closed their air space so that the Russian Foreign Minister could not visit Serbia. Typically Putin's enablers have threatened these countries which were forced to be part of the Soviet Union following the Second World War. They remain like two year olds these Nazis of Russia; grow up people. Stop killing Ukrainian women and children; stop stealing and looting in Ukraine. Russia has the largest landmass in the world stop being so greedy - stop being Nazis.

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