Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday will always be an early rising day

Friday is the day that I always get up early to get out the green bin as that is the day that the garbage is picked up in our area. I do not like to leave the green bin out overnight full because of the raccoons. They seemed to like the smell of our garbage and can not think why as we compost everything in wax cartons from the milk (freeze it so it goes out solid) and I do not particularly smell anything. But it was a problem and now for the past four years that I have put out the garbage every Thursday night I hold back the green bin until morning and then I put it out. Mind you it sits all morning and part of the afternoon but raccoons are nocturnal. 

Today I want to work on the Kipp Newsletter once again. I will try to stay ahead of my schedule so that I can have some research time to look at the subsidies for Somerset in the next couple of months so that I am ready for the next Blake Newsletter in a timely fashion. It would be interesting to solve the question of Humphrey Blake's parents (Humphrey died in 1558). I have a couple of reasons - one it would help to reach back further in that family line in a logical research directed way. Second this Humphrey is connected in error to my Nicholas Blake of Andover as a brother to him which is incorrect as Nicholas names his siblings in his will. Thirdly, I am hoping that finding his line will encourage more people to test with known ancestry in the Somerset Blake line and perhaps even the Wiltshire (Calne) Blake line. If these two lines are connected that would be an interesting bonus of all of this research on Blake. 

 I have another good match with the Pincombe family at 23 and Me but it is hidden. However I can tell by the matches in common which Pincombe line he is in so probably nothing new to learn there. I have pretty much got a good set of Pincombe data now going back to my grandfather who died in 1925 when my mother was only eight years old. Pictures that I have obtained of my grandfather's family do show that my mother resembled her aunt quite closely actually (my grandfather's sister died of influenza when she was just thirteen years of age). Although my sisters and I do look somewhat like our mother, two of us have a strong look of my paternal grandmother as well with the third looking more like our maternal grandmother's line. I myself inherited very strongly from my paternal grandmother and a couple of pictures that came my way of the mother of my paternal grandmother tell me whom I look like the most - one giveaway is the curly hair and the face structure. It was somewhat awesome getting that picture. 

Other than that I want to get back to my cluster work on the My Heritage results. I completed my sister's matches and will now move to my older brother's matches.  There are more matches at Ancestry. I do not do much with them other than locate them to family lines if that is possible and these days it is amazing how many I can narrow down to the four basic lines at least and then I have used the other colours and often I can isolate most of them to a great grandparent line. 

Breakfast awaits - my favourite meal actually not being a large meat eater. I do eat meat I am just not heavily enamoured towards meat preferring my cooked oatmeal with cranberries and raisins to which I add after cooked wheat germ, wheat bran, and blueberries. It is a yummy way to start the day for sure.

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