Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Interesting news story on crypto currency

 The query in the article was where does all that money go? referring to the 2 trillion that has vanished from what was originally a value of 3 trillion. It is the new way to look at value that has emerged throughout my lifetime. The riskiest part is the "potential" value of anything. It may or may not be there so even if published as 3 trillion it is only in the selling that the 3 trillion can be realized as a tangible item otherwise it is just a potential. When the world switched to potential instead of real (gold is real and you still see gold as a valuable item) but it is easier to trick people into buying potential because of the greed that is inherent in all of us which we must constantly strive against. Gold fluctuates around a particular value line but potential value goes up and down rapidly. When greed is controlled and hopefully disappears from our world then so will "potential" value cease to be used to sucker people into wasting their money on potential. You can bet that the 2 trillion lost at the moment in crypto is by the poorer investors who bought at a high price and now have a reduced value to show for that. The manipulators are sitting there with their money in gold for the moment before they excite that market once again to cheat people out of their money. Like the Ponzi schemes, crypto is just another one of those schemes to find the greedy and take their money by people who are much greedier.

Minimum income is the way to go in our world so that all peoples of the world have something in their pocket - people do not need billions and billions in their pockets. But the epitome of greed at the moment is shown in Russia's illegal military invasion of Ukraine. The greed for the Ukrainian land for the riches of that land is so apparent but as they savage that land how long will it take for that land to recover and at what expense. Eventually the breaking point should be reached when Russia has lost too many soldiers in this battle but it could be a long haul. At the end of it one prays they leave the Ukraine and scurry back to Russia. Will we forgive them? Perhaps when we see the end of Putin and his enablers and Russia joins the world once again as a country where the bulk of the Russian people can prosper and all the riches of Russia do not go into a few pockets. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than a long haul.

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