Friday, June 3, 2022

Piles somewhat diminished but lots more to do

 Managed to get through all the paperwork once again and eliminate a small pile. It will be nice one day to just have a pile of paper that I have to keep and not all the paper that I am trying to contemplate whether I need to keep it. Sounds like a muddle but I think that is a problem when you are the one left; there is so much that I have not handled that I need to constantly think about how to handle it. Gradually slowly all of it is coming into place but it will take another while I expect perhaps as much as six years. Amazing really to now be thinking of such a long time frame. 

Zucchini now planted and all of the plants energized with a bath of nutrient rich water. Now the waiting time whilst the seeds sprout and grow. We will see what comes of the planting time. The raspberries are in full flower now and many are set. We have been lucky with our busy bees here. Letting all the wild dandelions bloom has been a good idea. 

Today I will look at the Blake newsletter. I didn't get to that yesterday. Another Friday and the week is flying by quickly. June is a fast moving month usually as there is still a lot to do before the lazy hazy days of July. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. When you listen to the propaganda Russia pushes one would think this was a permitted allowable thing to invade another country and kill her people. What has happened to their minds; they do not belong to this century but some deep dark past that most of us wanted to leave behind. All that greed for land and lack of empathy for our fellow man. I hope one gain of this is a much stronger United Nations. They should be able to just send a task force of a combined United Nations military and put a stop to such aggression. It is disgusting to see this happening in this brand new century just twenty two years old. But I bear in mind that "revenge is mine" sayeth the Lord and we will move back onto that sunlit plain of peace and tranquility once Russia stops bombing innocent civilians and stealing land from Ukraine. Their greed is unbelievable especially given they already have the largest country in the world already.

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