Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter published Volume 7 Issue 3 2022

     Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2022 (images are on the website)

Table of Contents
1.    Discussion: The descendants of John Pincombe of South Molton circa early 1500s
2.    Landkey Parish Records continued
3.    North Molton Parish Records continued

1.    The descendants of John Pincombe of South Molton circa early 1500s

Although my original intent for this issue of the Newsletter was to look at Richard Pincombe who lived at Bishops Nympton by the late 1500s, a talk by another researcher (Dr Joe Flood) has brought me back to an interesting bit of folklore that I read in one of the history books on North Devon talking about the Pincombe family of South Molton being the founders of the Pincombe family later found at Barnstaple. I have not really looked at the records for the Pincombe family in some areas of Devon where they principally lived and so decided that I would switch to a look at the John Pincombe line found at South Molton in the early 1500s and said to be descendant of the first Pincombe to come to North Molton with Lord de la Zouch likely following the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485.

Dr Flood enters into this discussion because he has in his COAD one-name study a Pincombe who does not match COAD and the reason given was a change of name in the early 1800s (a family breakup occurred where the male line was PINCOMBE and the female line was COAD and the children and mother reverted to her maiden name. However, the yDNA of this line matches the PINCOMBE line found at Bishops Nympton in this century (one of my cousins has tested for this line and he matches descendants of John Pincombe and Mary Charly/Charlie and they were, of course my cousin’s third great grandparents and my fourth great grandparents. Listening to him speak and he did mention the Pincombe line I decided it really was time to look into that particular instance more thoroughly.

The first record of the Pincombe family line at North Molton was in the 1620 Visitation of Devon (Saint-George, Henry, Sir, 1581-1644; Lennard, Samson, d. 1633, Camden, William, 1551-1623; Colby, Frederic Thomas, 1827-1899, ed; College of Arms (Great Britain), 1872, London:


The two images are from pages 230 and 231 of the College of Arms publication of the Vistation of Devon 1620. The book has been digitized by Google Books and is out of copyright. The Pincombe family of South Molton were the only line to actually create a coat of arms and use it so far as it is known by the editor of this Newsletter. The head of the chart shows an unknown Pyncombe living at North Molton having come there with Lord de la Zouche around the time of the beginning of the reign of Henry VII. The Visitation is signed by William Pyncombe and it is likely that this is the William Pyncombe of South Molton and East Buckland who is living in 1620 and 54 years of age having been Coroner of Devon for 14 to 15 years in 1620. William Pincombe, his father,  is also listed (he was married to Emote Snowe) and the son of Thomas Pyncombe who lived at Filleigh and East Buckland. All of these villages are close together and I did travel through West Buckland to East Buckland and then past Filleigh to South Molton and then to Bishops Nympton. The tax records for South Molton are helpful in distinguishing the families all mentioned at South Molton in this Visitation. The 1544/45 Subsidy and the 1581 Subsidy are probably the most interesting at this point in the discussion.

Surname    Forename    Parish    Year    Tax
Pyncombe    Christopher    South Molton    1544 Subsidy    10
Pyncome    John    South Molton    1544 Subsidy    13
Pynkeham    Philip    Tawstocke    1544 Subsidy    8
Pencombe    Richard    Bideford    1544 Subsidy    5
Pencombe    Thomas    East Buckland    1544 Subsidy    9
Pencombe    Alice (widow)    North Molton    1545 Subsidy    5
Pencombe    John    North Molton    1545 Subsidy    4
Pencombe    Richard    Kings Nympton    1545 Subsidy    1
Pencombe    Richard    Kings Nympton    1545 Subsidy    1
Pencombe    William    North Molton    1545 Subsidy    6
Pincombe    Christopher    South Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 4
Pencombe    Edward    Tawstocke     1581 Subsidy    G 5
Pyncombe    Emma wid    North Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 3
Pincombe    John    South Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 4
Pincombe Jr    John    South Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 3
Pincombe Sr    John    South Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 12
Pincombe    Richard    Bideford    1581 Subsidy    G 6
Pincombe    Richard    Yearnescombe    1581 Subsidy    G 3
Pencombe    William    East Buckland    1581 Subsidy    G 10

There is a widow at North Molton named Alice Pencombe on the 1545 Subsidy who could possibly be the wife of the Unknown Pyncombe who arrived at North Molton with Lord de la Zouch in 1485 (if he was a young page). Thomas who has left his will in 1544 is possibly the husband of Joane Pencombe; he is listed on the 1544 Subsidy at East Buckland. The will for Thomas did not survive the bombing of the Devon Record Office in the Second World War. According to the Chart living at South Molton on the 1544 Subsidy are Christopher and John with John having the largest subsidy. The Visitation appears to indicate that John is the elder of these two brothers (no dates are given). On the 1581 Subsidy there is a William listed at East Buckland (Thomas was listed on the 1544 Subsidy). Although the visitation does mention that this William is of South Molton and East Buckland I have yet to find any other reference for William at South Molton. I think it is likely appropriate to assume that the South Molton family was primarily John and Christopher and their descendants. On the 1581 Subsidy Christopher, John, John Junior and John Senior are all living at South Molton. It is likely appropriate to assume that Christopher and John are father and son and that John Junior and John Senior are also father and son with the brother of Christopher also named John (father of John Senior) now deceased. John (son of John junior), student at the Middle Temple, does not appear to be on this Subsidy and that is consistent with the times as he is a student in London so not occupying land that is taxed in Devon and with his grandfather and father still living has not received an inheritance.
The two earlier researchers on the Pincombe-Pinkham one-name study did create a chart for South Molton. The top of the chart has John who is listed as one of the sons of the unknown Pyncombe who came to North Molton which matches the Visitation. Next two sons for this John named Christopher and John. Then only John is shown as having a descendant namely another John. The visitation does show a son John (son of John) (and he is listed as John Senior in the Subsidy) and his son was listed as John Junior in the Subsidy and on the Visitation Chart. There may have been a Richard but he is not listed in either Chart at South Molton but he is said on this genealogy chart created by the earlier researchers to be the father of the John who married Amy Doddridge but is likely the John Junior on the Subsidy. One notes that the date on the chart for John (nephew of Christopher) is 1526 and for Richard his supposed son 1540 so is unlikely to be correct. 


John son of John Junior and Amy Doddridge is then listed as marrying and having a number of descendants in the 1600s at South Molton on this chart.  This John was a student in London in 1620 as shown on the visitation. He is said, according to the genealogy chart above, to have married Mary Carew and lived at South Molton with children Elizabeth, Richard, Gertrude, Mary and Joan. On the updated Visitation of 1620 with additions there is more information for this John Pincombe. I do have a few problems with this visitation. I do not think that Unknown Pyncombe had two sons named John. Possibly the name of the third son was William but I can not find the reference which convinced me of that. 

The original Visitation of the County of Devon 1620 (Internet Archive – Henry St George and Sampson Lennard, published 1872 -


This particular Visitation was then updated although it does appear that a couple of errors crept into the final revised document. In the original Unknown Pyncombe is listed as having three children – Thomas, John and unknown. The unknown does not have any children listed. Thomas has only his eldest son William listed and John has two sons listed Christopher and John. 

This updated Visitation of 1620 document (next page)     was digitized by Microsoft and was found on page 594 of The Visitations of the County of Devon: Comprising the herald’s visitations of 1531, 1564, and 1620 with additions by Lieutenant-Colonel J.L. Vivian (1895: Exeter).  

This Chart has more information on John Pincomb (son of John Pincombe and Amy Dodridge) who completed his schooling in London and was a Barrister of the Middle Temple who died before 1657. He married Mary daughter of Sir John Carew of Crowcombe. The children mentioned for this couple (John Pincombe and Mary Carew) were Elizabeth, Gertrude, Mary and Richard. No children are listed/ No marriage is recorded for this Richard Pincombe who lived at Poughill with his family. He left a will dated 19 Nov 1656 with his mother Mary named as executrix along with his cousin John Doddridge. Both renounced admon and the three sisters were granted admon of his will 10 April 1658. 

Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/274/367 - Image Reference - 526/458
Place: Poughill, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 19 Nov 1656, probated 10 Apr 1658
Richard Pincombe

1    I Richard Pincombe of
2    Poughill in the Countie of Devon Esquire being sick of body but
3    of perfect memorie (thankes be to Almightie God) doe make this
4    my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following. The
5    nineteenth day of November one Thousand Six hundred Fiftie Six
6    Revoking all former Wills and Testaments by mee formerlie made
7    First I give my Soule into the hands of almightie God hopeing by
8    the merritts of Christ Jesus my blessed Saviour to be eternally saved
9    and to have a ioyfull resurection. Item I give to Phillip Hole Servant
10    to my Mother All my Two Tenements lying in Marwood in the county
11    of Devon worth about twenty two pounds per Annum for four score
12    and nineteene yeares if he live soe long: Item I give to John Card
13    All my Tenements lying in Littleham in the Countie of Devon lately
14    in the tenure of the Widdow Short worth Eighteene pounds per Annum
15    for fourscore and nineteene yeares yf three Lives shall soe long live Item
16    I give to Davis Evans Servant to my Mother one Tenement lying
17    in Instow in the Countie of Devon of fourteene pounds per Annum
18    for fourscore and nineteene yeares yf he live soe long Item I give all the
19    rest of my Lands, Tenements and hereditaments Goods and Chattells
21    to my deare Mother during her life she paying my debts and fune
22    ralls And after her decease to my three Sisters and the heires of theire
23    bodies lawfully to be begotten if they marry with consent of my Mother
24    and my Cozen Doddridge and for default of such issue to the right heires
25    of mee the said Richard Pincombe my true meaning being That my three
26    Sisters shall inioy my Lands Tenements and hereditaments to them
27    and the heires of theire bodies, but shall have noe power to alien them in
28    anie other manner but that after theire death without issue it shall
29    come to my right heires. Item I make my Mother and my Cozen Doddridge
30    my ioynt Executors of this my last Will and Testament Item I give
31    my Lands in Braunton in the Countie of Devon to Richard Hole my
32    Godsonne, sonne of Nicholas Hole of Ilfarecombe for four score and nineteene
33    yeares
34    Yeares if three lives live soe long. Item I give to the said Richard
35    Hole a Tenement in the Tenure of one Jone Southcombe lying neare South
36    Moulton for the life tearme of four score and nineteene yeares if Three
37    lives soe long Item I give to the Maid of the house Twentie shillings
38    Item I give to Roger and Ric[har]d Prentize in the house Tenn shillings a
39    peece Item I give to the eldest Nurse fouer pounds Item I give to the
40    youngest nurse Three pounds Tenn shillings Item I give to William
41    Dunn Servant to my Mother Tenn pounds to be paid to him by my
42    Mother and to his Sonne I give twentie shillings Item I give five
43    pounds to the poore of the parish wherein I am buried
44    Item my will and meaning is that the old and customes
45    Rents be reserted upon those Estates which I have given by this
46    my will to Phillip Hole John Card Davis Evans and Richard Hole
47    Sealed and published in the presence of Richard Johnson Will[ia]m Greene
48    The Tenth day of Aprill In the Yeare of our Lord
49    God One Thousand Six hundred Fiftie and eight Letter of Ami
50    nistration with the Will annext issued forth to Mary Tuckfeild
51    Elizabeth & Gartrud Pincombe the naturall and lawfull Sisters of
52    Richard Pincombe deceased To administer all and singular the goods
53    chattells and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and
54    effect of the said deceased Will for that Mary Pincombe the Mother
55    and John Doddridge the Executors named in the said Will have judici
56    ally renounced the execution thereof They the said Mary Tuckfeild
57    Elizabeth and Gartrud Pincombe the Sisters being first legallie
58    sworne by vertue of a Commission truly and faythfullie to administer
59    the same

Richard, it is noted, does not name a wife or any children and there have been a few trees which have erroneously attached themselves to this Richard. At the time of the death of Richard this family had moved to Poughill and were no longer living in South Molton.
What a Visitation Chart does is tell you the more famous members of a family; it does not generally list all the members of the family although sometimes it does which is more luck than anything as far as I can tell. For that reason I continue to hunt out the parish records for Pincombe at South Molton and my next step will be to read the fiche for South Molton which, unfortunately, do not commence until 1601. The well known public records do not appear to have information on this Pincombe family of South Molton after the death of John Pincombe, Barrister of the Middle Temple who died by 1657 and his family lived at Poughill. This distance is 46 miles or 74 kilometres. Looking at the map there is a slightly more direct route but it would have involved crossing several rivers whereas there was likely a bridge at Bideford (or at least fordable by a horse) so suspect that the distance is probably the full 74 kilometres even in the 1600s.

South Molton Baptisms
Christopher son of John Pinckombe was baptized 2 Apr 1603

The first Pincombe baptism located in the fiche was for a Christopher Pinckombe son of John Pinckombe. This is on the genealogical chart but with a son John to Christopher rather than vice versa. One could estimate the age of John as being born between 1550 and 1580. Looking at the Visitation and the reference to unknown Pyncombe coming with Lord de la Zouch to North Molton at the start of the reign of Henry VII (1485-1509). No information is available on the unknown Pyncombe although given his presence with Lord de la Zouch who was attainted after the Battle of Bosworth Field which basically is the beginning of the reign of Henry VII one can assume he was either a young page or perhaps one of the soldiers pledged to Lord de la Zouch. Looking then at the age of 14 to perhaps 30 but could also have been older given that he did receive quite a bit of property in the North Molton area. But like Lord de la Zouch one can assume that he had supported Richard III at Bosworth Field. The children of the unknown Pyncombe could have come with him (but I am dubious of that) or are born after 1485. There were three children according to the various visitations (one of which names them as John, William and Thomas). Thomas died in 1544 leaving behind a widow who did not die until 1563.

Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/76/232
Place: East Buckland, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 7 May 1563, probated 23 Oct 1590
[In margin] T[estator] Johanne Pencombe

1    In the name of God, Amen.  In the yeare
2    of our Lord God one thousand fyve hundred sixtie three and in the seaventh daie
3    of Maye That I Johane Pencombe widdowe of Est Buckland beinge of whole mynde
4    and in good remembrance (lauded be god) make and ordaine this my last will and
5    testament in this manner and forme followinge First I bequeathe my soule unto
6    allmightie God and my bodie to be buried in the Churche of Est Buckland there Item
7    I bequeath unto Richard Pencombe my sonne twentie poundes And to his sonne a
8    heafer of three yeares of age. Item I bequeath to John Locke my sonne in Law nyne
9    poundes. Item I bequeath to John Pencombe my sonne nyne poundes And to his
10    daughter a heafer. Item I bequeath to John Jasse my sonne in Lawe nyne poundes
11    Item I bequeath to John Jasse the younger six poundes thirteene shillings four pence
12    Item to Anne Takle twentie shillings Item to Amye Rolle six shillings eight pence
13    Item to Roberte Hollaniore a yearlinge Item to Thomas Hichton a ewe. Item to everie
14    of my Children's Children five shillinges eight pence. Item unto every of my godchildren
15    twelve pence apeece. Item to the poore twentie shillings. The residue of all my goodes
16    and everie parte thereof as well moveable as unmoveable not gyven nor bequeathed I give
17    and bequeath unto William Pencombe my sonne whome I make my executor and he to
18    bestowe it as he seemeth best And alsoe I devise and ordaine Sir John Taye John Hartill
19    and Richard Lympstable to be my overseers and wittnesses of this my last will and Testament
21    Probatum fuit Testamentum
22    Suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili, viro mag[ist]ro Will[iel]mo Levin Legium
23    Doctore ad exercend officium magisteri custodis sive Comissarii Curie Prerogative
24    Cant ltime deputat vicesimo tertio die mensis Octobris Anno Domini millesimo quin
25    Nonagesimo Juramento Thome Redman notary public procuratoris Willi[a]m Pencombe filii of
26    Executoris in h[uius]mo[d]i testamento nominat Qui commissa fuit administerato bonorum iurium et creditorum
27    Dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administerand ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat

At this point her will mentions grandchildren and of course her children (William, John, Alice, Richard and unknown female) are all born by 1544 when Thomas has died. The eldest son, William, of this Thomas died as an elderly person in 1602 and as the first born of five would have been born by at least 1534 although could be slightly later. I tend to think that the unknown Pycombe who came with Lord de la Zouch was a young person (mid-teen) who would have married by 1500 (and there is a possibility that the name of his wife was Alice as there is a widow on the 1544 subsidy named Alice at North Molton). There were likely at least four children for this couple – John, Thomas, William and Margret but their births/baptisms are pre Parish Registers for North Molton which do begin very early. So a fluid timeline does establish itself for the descendants of the unknown Pyncombe mentioned on the 1620 Visitation. The John who is the father of the Christopher Pinckombe baptized 2 Apr 1603 could be one of the Johns in the hierarchy at South Molton since Christopher was baptized there but thus far I have not found anything further to give a lead on that individual. 

The family lore that the Barnstaple/Bideford Pincombe family were descendant of the South Molton is quite interesting and I will also have a look at the Parish Registers for Barnstaple and Bideford.

Also on this same genealogy chart the Pyncombe family at North Molton had at least one descendant who moved to South Molton – Henrie Pyncombe married to Margaret Richards 29 Sep 1625 (check) and their seven children all appear to be baptized at South Molton. Henrie was said to be the son of a George Pyncombe with wife Dorothie and that George a son of a William Pincombe and Margaret Gregoire (both of these families being at North Molton).
I believe that more indepth research is needed on these records so will devote the discussion in the next issue to this same topic.

2.    Landkey Parish Records

These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for Landkey, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for Landkey directly from my Excel file.

  #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details

1501    Newcome    William                        1738    January    24    senior
1502    Baker    Margaret                        1739    March    25    of Swimbridge
1503    Lewes    William                        1739    March    26    
1504    Headon    Anne    wife    Headon    William            1739    November    12    
1505    Westacott    Mary                        1739    January    8    widdow
1506    Bayley    Charity    wife    Bayley    Robert            1739    February    4    
1507    Westacott    Elizabeth                        1739    February    9    widdow
1508    Tucker    Mary                        1739    February    28    
1509    Pincombe    Sarah                        1739    March    2    widdow
1510    Tomme    Humphry                        1740    April    7    
1511    Mountjoy    Margaret                        1740    April    28    
1512    Bendle    William                        1740    July    23    junior
1513    Southwood    Phillippa                        1740    November    2    of Bishops Tawton
1514    Cutley    John                        1740    February    8    
1515    Gammon    William                        1740    February    19    
1516    Headon    William                        1741    April    20    Parish Clerk, senior
1517    Stribling    Lewes                        1741    May    2    Parish Sexton
1518    Slocombe    Grace    wife    Slocombe    Thomas            1741    May    5    
1519    Mayne    James                        1741    May    24    
1520    Headon    Mary    wife    Headon    Anthony            1741    June    26    of Swimbridge
1521    Gammon    Anice                        1741    July    8    
1522    Scott    John                        1741    July    22    
1523    Routleigh    John                        1741    July    26    
1524    Bendle    Elizabeth    wife    Bendle    William            1741    July    27    
1525    Ward    Susannah    wife    Ward    William            1741    November    7    of Barnstaple
1526    Hunt    Charles                        1741    November    17    
1527    Ackland    Hugh                        1741    November    20    Esquire
1528    Hunt    Mary                        1741    January    13    widdow
1529    Taylor    John                        1741    March    16    senior
1530    Smale    John                        1742    March    28    of Swimbridge
1531    Ley    John                        1742    April    12    
1532    Trout    Rose                        1742    April    20    
1533    Lee    William                        1742    April    25    
1534    Pawle    JOhn    son    Pawle    John        Mary    1742    April    25    
1535    Lee    Margaret                        1742    April    27    widdow
1536    Mayne    Anne                        1742    May    11    widdow
1537    Dart    Elizabeth    wife    Dart    Roger            1742    May    19    
1538    Dart    Roger                        1742    June    8    
1539    Stribling    Margaret    daughter    Stribling    Lewes            1742    August    25    of Swimbridge
1540    Barrow    George    son    Barrow    John        Mary    1742    September    1    
1541    Rendle    Margaret    daughter    Rendle    John        Mary    1742    September    11    of Swimbridge
1542    Taylor    William                        1742    September    12    of Swimbridge
1543    Mildon    Ursula    wife    Mildon    William            1742    October    14    
1544    More    Jone                        1742    January    6    
1545    Peake    John    son    Peake    William        Elizabeth    1743    May    11    
1546    Pugsley    Elizabeth                        1743    May    11    
1547    Kidwell    Elizabeth    daughter    Kidwell    Richard        Anne    1743    May    11    of Bishops Tawton
1548    Lewes    Richard    son    Lewes    Thomas        Mary    1743    June    20    
1549    Cutcliffe    Dorothy                        1743    July    19    
1550    Peake    Elizabeth    wife    Peake    William            1743    August    21    
1551    Smale    Michael                        1743    November    21    of Barnstaple
1552    Dart    William                        1743    January    5    
1553    Hannacott    Anne                        1743    February    4    
1554    Westacott    Thomas    base child            Westacott    Mary    1743    February    14    
1555    Taylor    John    son    Taylor    Walter        Mary    1743    February    15    
1556    Carder    John                        1743    March    21    senior
1557    Radleigh    James    son    Radleigh    James        Elizabeth    1744    May    3    of Tawstock
1558    Allyn    John                        1744    May    3    
1559    Taylor    Jane    daughter    Taylor    Walter            1744    August    14    
1560    Cowle    Dorothy    daughter    Cowle    Robert        Grace    1744    October    8    
1561    Blaney    Thomas    son    Blaney    Thomas        Mary    1744    January    13    
1562    Philpott    Agnes    daughter    Philpott    William        Elizabeth    1744    January    20    
1563    Blaney    Thomas                        1744    January    27    
1564    Symons    Mary                        1744    February    24    widdow
1565    Blaney    Mary                        1744    March    17    
1566    Smale    Dorothy    wife    Smale    Hugh            1745    April    24    
1567    Lewes    Agnes    wife    Lewes    John            1745    July    3    of Barnstaple
1568    Prideaux    Hannah    wife    Prideaux    Thomas            1745    Janaury    25    
1569    Baker    William                        1745    March    4    of Swimbridge
1570    Harris    Priscilla                        1746    April    22    
1571    Gammon    Mary    daughter    Gammon    Henry        Sarah    1746    May    10    
1572    Ward    William                        1746    July    3    of Barnstaple
1573    Blake    Elizabeth                        1746    September    16    
1574    Jones    Hester    wife    Jones    Edward            1746    September    29    Edward senior
1575    Lewes    John                        1746    December    8    of Barnstaple
1576    Stribling    Elizabeth    wife    Stribling    Lewes            1746    February    28    of Swimbridge
1577    Shopham    Grace    daughter    Shopham    William        Elizabeth    1747    April    1    
1578    Kidwell    Grace                        1747    April    3    of Hunshaw
1579    Tayler    Anne                        1747    April    12    widow
1580    Lewes    Thomas                        1747    July    24    of Barnstaple
1581    Dallyn    Margaret                        1747    August    14    
1582    Kidwell    William                        1747    October    27    of Hunshaw
1583    Smale    Thomas                        1747    January    25    
1584    Owens    Mary                        1748    March    27    of Bishops Tawton
1585    Walland     Eleanor                        1748    March    29    widdow, aged 101
1586    Ward    Christian    daughter    Ward    John        Honour    1748    May    10    
1587    Slocombe    Sarah                        1748    May    30    of Barnstaple
1588    Beer    Mary                        1748    June    25    
1589    Westacott    Alice                        1748    June    26    widdow
1590    Bale    Eleanour    daughter    Bale    George        Anne    1748    July    20    
1591    Smale    Hugh                        1748    November    12    
1592    Warde    Thomas                        1748    November    15    
1593    Bird    John                        1748    December    2    of Bishops Tawton
1594    Batson    Elizabeth                        1748    January    26    
1595    Cutcliffe    Michael                        1748    February    8    of Bishops Tawton
1596    Jones    Margaret    daughter    Jones    William        Jone    1748    February    13    
1597    Bendle    William                        1748    February    18    
1598    Davy    George                        1749    March    26    
1599    Philpott    William    son    Philpott    William        Elizabeth    1749    April    7    
1600    Peake    William                        1749    April    11    
1601    Lewes    Mary                        1749    June    3    
1602    Westacott    Mary                        1749    September    26    
1603    Barrow    Grace    daughter    Barrow    John        Mary    1749    January    6    
1604    Davy    Hester                        1749    January    13    
1605    Allyn    Elizabeth    wife    Allyn    William            1749    January    17    
1606    Slocombe    Thomas                        1749    January    28    
1607    Allyn    Richard    son    Allyn    William            1749    January    31    
1608    Lewis    Richard                        1749    February    15    of Barnstaple
1609    Ward    Mary                        1749    February    18    widow
1610    Newcome    William                        1749    March    2    
1611    Huxtable    Eleanour    daughter    Huxtable    Hugh        An    1750    March    26    
1612    Whitefield    Ursula    daughter    Whitefield    Philip        Mary    1750    July    8    
1613    Whitefield    Mary    wife    Whitefield    Philip            1750    July    29    
1614    Westacott    Eleanour                        1750    August    9    widdow
1615    Pugsley    Henry                        1750    August    12    
1616    Crewys    Damaris                        1750    December    10    
1617    Slee?    Philip                        1750    December    26    junior
1618    Dart    Ursula                        1750    February    6    
1619    Tucker    Honour    daughter    Tucker    Reverend Mr. Francis            1750    February    21    of Barnstaple
1620    Headon    Mary                        1751    April    6    widow of Swimbridge
1621    Boyse    Mary                        1751    April    20    widow of Barnstaple
1622    Badcocke    Mark                        1751    May    13    
1623    Sexton    Barbara                        1751    August    3    widow of Swimbridge
1624    Bird    Agnes                        1751    September    11    widow of Berrinarbor
1625    Harris    Jane                        1751    October    15    widow of Goodleigh
1626    Sommerville    Hester                        1751    November    3    widdow
1627    Seldon    Mary    wife    Seldon    Richard            1751    December    11    
1628    Bouchier    Katherine    wife    Bouchier    Richard            1752    January    14    of Swimbridge
1629    Walland     Robert    son    Walland    John        Mary    1752    February    2    
1630    Gill    Amy    wife    Gill    Saunders            1752    February    19    of Barnstaple
1631    Brayley    Francis                        1752    February    21    
1632    Westlake    Jone                        1752    March    12    
1633    Tucker    Anne    wife    Tucker    Anthony            1752    March    19    of Bishops Tawton
1634    Gill    Saunder                        1752    April    7    of Barnstaple
1635    Lavercombe    Grace                        1752    April    27    widow
1636    Headon    Elizabeth    wife    Headon    John            1752    May    14    of Swimbridge
1637    Ward    Mary    daughter    Ward    Richard        Mary    1752    June    27    of Goodleigh
1638    Smale    Pascho                        1752    July    30    
1639    Fairchild    Thomas    son    Fairchild    Pascho        Elizabeth    1752    September    21    
1640    Budd    Agness    daughter    Budd    John        Alice    1752    November    2    
1641    Lewes    Mary                        1752    November    7    widow of Barnstaple
1642    Nichols    Mary    wife    Nichols    Joseph            1752    November    16    of Barnstaple
1643    Pyne    Margaret    wife    Pyne    Philip            1752    December    6    
1644    Brayley    Elizabeth                        1752    December    25    
1645    Westacott    John                        1753    February    12    
1646    Leworthy    Mary    wife    Leworthy    William            1753    March    3    
1647    Huggins    William                        1753    April    23    of Goodleigh
1648    Prideaux    Mary                        1753    April    30    widow
1649    Gill    John                        1753    May    7    
1650    Walland     John    son    Walland    John        Mary    1753    May    30    
1651    Barns    Alice                        1753    September    26    
1652    Westacott    Elizabeth    daughter    Westacott    John        Sarah    1753    October    21    
1653    Badcocke    Jone                        1753    October    24    widow
1654    Cutcliffe    Thomasin                        1753    October    28    widow
1655    Pyne    Robert                        1753    December    13    
1656    Cousins    Mary    wife    Cousins    Robert            1754    February    20    
1657    Joce    John                        1754    April    25    senior
1658    Seldon    Richard                        1754    July    20    
1659    Browne    Deborah                        1754    July    29    widow of Barnstaple
1660    Cousins    Robert                        1754    October    3    
1661    Tucker    John Lidstone    son    Tucker    Captain Charles        Elizabeth    1754    November    26    infant son
1662    Smale    Hugh                        1755    February    16    
1663    Richards    Katherine                        1755    February    17    widow
1664    Huxtable    Hugh                        1755    August    16    senior
1665    Symons    Grace                        1755    October    19    
1666    Barns    John                        1755    November    15    
1667    Leworthy     John    son    Leworthy    George    Katherine    1755    November    15    of Bishops Tawton
1668    Harris    William                        1755    November    15    senior
1669    Walland     Richard                        1755    November    22    of Bishops Tawton
1670    Tucker    Elizabeth    wife    Tucker    James            1755    November    28    
1671    Westacott    William                        1756    March    20    
1672    Joce    Elizabeth    wife    Joce    Thomas            1756    March    22    
1673    Philpott    Jone                        1756    May    6    
1674    Philpott    John    base son            Philpott    Jone    1756    May    19    
1675    Bowden    John                        1756    May    22    of Bishops Nymett
1676    Tucker    Mary    daughter    Tucker    John        Jane    1756    May    24    John Junior
1677    Batson    Sarah    daughter    Batson    Christopher        Anne    1756    May    31    
1678    Tucker    Sarah    wife    Tucker    Reverend Mr.         1756    June    9    of Barnstaple
1679    Lewes    John                        1756    June    17    of Pilton
1680    Ward    Hannah    daughter    Ward    John        Honour    1756    July    7    
1681    Joce    Samuel                        1756    July    12    Senior
1682    Philips    Hugh    son    Philips    Thomas        Anne    1756    September    14    
1683    Courtney    Mary    daughter    Courtney    Thomas        Grace    1756    October    7    
1684    Tucker    Reverend Mr. Francis                1756    October    9    of Barnstaple
1685    Sexton    John    son    Sexton    John        Mary    1756    November    10    
1686    Slee    Jone    wife    Slee    Philip            1756    November    11    of Bratton Fleming
1687    Heartnoll    Prudence    daughter    Heartnoll    John        Charity    1756    November    24    
1688    Southwood Jone wife    Southwood James         1756    December    9    of Bishops Tawton
1689    Jones    Mary    wife    Jones    John            1756    December    11    
1690    Zeales    Robert                        1757    January    4    of North Molton
1691    Taylor    Elizabeth    wife    Taylor    Richard            1757    January    10    
1692    Taylor    James    child                    1757    Janaury    23    
1693    Gill    Anne                        1757    March    28    widow
1694    Paule    Mary    wife    Paule    John            1757    July    17    
1695    Gould    John                        1757    August    5    senior
1696    Routcliffe    Grace                        1757    August    18    widow
1697    Whiddon    Christian                        1757    September    1    
1698    Barrow    Susannah    wife    Barrow    John            1757    November    22    
1699    Headon    Ursula    daughter    Headon    William        Mary    1757    December    27    
1700    Westacott    Sarah    wife    Westacott    John            1758    January    12    
1701    Southwood    Thomas                        1758    March    28    
1702    Atkey    Philip                        1758    April    4    of Swimbridge
1703    Smale    William                        1758    May    27    
1704    Jones    Margaret    wife    Jones    Edward        1758    September    22    Edward junior
1705    Philips    Thomas                        1758    September    26    of North Molton
1706    Tucker    John                        1758    October    15    senior
1707    Sexton    Dorothy    wife    Sexton    John            1758    October    16    John senior
1708    Sexton    John                        1758    November    2    senior
1709    Sommerville    Hester                        1759    March    18    
1710    Jones    Edward                        1759    July    17    senior
1711    Thorne    Rebecca                        1759    July    21    widow of Tawstock
1712    Budd    Alice    wife    Budd    John            1759    August    15    
1713    Westacott    Jone    wife    Westacott    Walter            1759    September    5    
1714    unknown    John alias Ragged Jack    1759    September    9    
1715    Aze    Amy    wife    Aze    William            1759    November    14    
1716    Southwood    William                        1759    December    15    
1717    Howard    John    son    Howard    John        Charity    1760    January    22    
1718    Howard    Henry    son    Howard    John        Charity    1760    January    22    
1719    Wrayford    The Reverend Mr. Samuel                        1760    April    24    
1720    Wrayford    Mary                        1760    April    28    widow
1721    Budd    John                        1760    May    14    
1722    Tossell    William    son    Tossell    Thomas        Susannah    1760    June    7    
1723    Allyn    Patience                        1760    August    7    
1724    Eames    Grace    wife    Eames    Thomas            1760    September    12    
1725    Barns    Elizabeth                        1760    December    24    widow
1726    Dart    Elizabeth    daughter    Dart    Michael        Susannah    1761    Jan    10    
1727    Barrowby    Mary    wife    Barrowby    John            1761    Jan    19    
1728    Thorne    Elizabeth    wife    Thorne    William            1761    April    19    
1729    Huxtable    Mary                        1761    July    15    of Barnstaple
1730    Kidwell    Elizabeth                        1761    August    12    of Bishops Tawton
1731    Leworthy    William                        1761    August    23    of Swimbridge
1732    Carder    Rachel                        1761    November    5    
1733    Kidwell    William                        1761    November    17    of Bishops Tawton
1734    Dart    William    son    Dart    Michael        Susannah    1761    December    12    
1735    Greenwood    Anne                        1762    February    17    of Wear Giffard
1736    Joce    William    son    Joce    Thomas        Hannah    1762    March    17    
1737    Selden    William                        1762    March    22    
1738    Wreyford    Mary                        1762    April    11    
1739    Westacott    William                        1762    May    13    senior
1740    Ward    Christian    wife    Ward    John            1762    May    22    
1741    Cawsey    Sarah                        1762    August    12    
1742    Joce    John    son    Joce    Samuel        Eleanour    1762    August    22    
1743    Burges    Mary    base daughter            Burges    Jone    1762    October    25    
1744    Tucker    Mary    daughter    Tucker    Anthony            1762    November    1    
1745    Batson    Mary                        1762    November    9    of Barnstaple
1746    Rattenberry    William                        1762    November    14    
1747    Westacott    Mary                        1763    January    2    widow
1748    Cowle    Grace    wife    Cowle    Robert            1763    January    4    
1749    Cowler    Robert                        1763    January    12    
1750    Eames    Thomas                        1763    January    13    
1751    Cowler    Elizabeth                        1763    February    11    
1752    Mayne    Joan                        1763    March    18    widow
1753    Parkyn    Gregory                        1763    March    18    
1754    Atkey    Mary                        1763    March    21    widow of Swymbridge
1755    Leworthy    Elizabeth    daughter    Leworthy    George  Katherine 1763 May 8 Bishops Tawton
1756    Nichols    Joseph                        1763    May    12    of Barnstaple
1757    Southwood    Margaret                        1763    June    4    widow of Barnstaple
1758    Batterly    John                        1763    June    13    of Bratton Fleming
1759    Mayne    William                        1763    July    23    
1760    Muskerry    Daniel                        1763    August    23    
1761    Westacott    Walter                        1763    October    10    
1762    Test    Joan                        1763    October    19    widow
1763    Leworthy    Anne    daughter    Leworthy    John        Mary    1763    December    1
3.    North Molton Parish Records
These marriage records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file. I should have added these to the last issue. The next issue will begin the Burials.

Number    Groom surname    Groom forename    Bride surname    Bride forename    Year    Month    Day    Details        
1000    Sully    Robert    Saunders    Joan    1706    Nov    17
1001    Pollard    John    Landey    Elizabeth    1706    Nov    19
1002    Payne    Charles    Bendle    Rebecca    1707    Apr    15
1003    Bickham    James    Radley    Mary    1707    May    10
1004    Shapland    Philip    Vickary    Wilmott    1707    May    18
1005    Goss    Andrew    Abbott    Margerett    1707    Jun    30
1006    Davy    Henry    Wedlake    Barbara    1707    Sep    1
1007    Radley    John    Scott    Agnes    1707    Nov    30
1008    Moale    William    Purchace    Anne    1707    Dec    27
1009    Seage    John    Shapton    Joan    1707    Feb    2    

Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st September 2022) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 15th of August 2022 and can be sent to:

Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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