Saturday, June 25, 2022

Planting continues

Yesterday we planted about half of the sunflower peat pots and more spinach as the rabbits ate my spinach. I suspected they were doing that but finally I can see that they mostly have done that. Should have fenced it but didn't - time wonderful time and I didn't get that done but I expect the rabbits enjoyed the spinach. Last night we put up the fence first and then planted the spinach and sunflower plants as they like both equally I think!

In a way this is a new life time for me and I am gradually adjusting to that huge change. It isn't easy to adjust from a marriage of 54.5 years to single life once again although I tend to think of it as widowhood it is none the less a single person moving forward in time without one's spouse. I think in my lifetime I have not made a lot of decisions on my own and that is another hurdle that one has to overcome as I tend to be a slow decision maker - it can take me a very long time to make a decision and usually I just abstain from decision making unless I absolutely need to make a decision. I would probably have a very similar diet for instance without others suggesting that maybe cooked oatmeal every day for breakfast with all the nice fruit is perhaps mundane. But I do not find it mundane and so I will likely continue with that as long as I can cook it or get someone else to cook it for me! But eating peanut butter every day for lunch is perhaps somewhat mundane and I have managed through the years to convert myself to salmon salad, tuna salad, cheese and tomato, hot beans on toast with cheese, egg salad on some of the days but peanut butter remains an overall favourite. Then dinner which is always small as I am not a big eater of meat. I just eat whatever is there mostly if I am living with people which I am although sometimes I will cook up long grained brown rice, and then add scallops and peas which is another favourite of mine or I can put in ground meat like pork or chicken or beef and then wilt spinach into that and perhaps some tomato. I do like potatoes and can make a meal just with a potato again with wilted spinach or asparagus or broccoli. My dinner tastes are somewhat grotesque to many so when I was married I cooked all sorts of meat dinners to satisfy  everyone especially Edward who liked his meat, potatoes, vegetable and salad every day. 

I think that the mourning time after a spouse dies is quite a long period although sometimes shared with a friend one has had through the years or with family of your own. Coming from a large family, I still feel close to all of my living siblings although do not actually talk to them often but that is possibly my fault as I am not a correspondent for the most part. My mind tends to keep pretty busy with my DNA projects and all the work that is involved in keeping this place running. The one room concept does occupy my mind quite often but the house is Edward and none of us are ready to give up that memory and probably not for quite a while in actual fact. 

The weekend though I tend not to do too much labour saving my energy for the cleaning to begin on Monday once again. 

Last night I woke up to see once again the moon and planets in alignment - a thrilling sight to the eye. The sky has been sufficiently clear to have a view of at least partial alignment for a few nights. Edward would have loved that view and I thought of him looking down on us and that view from the spirit world. It is amazing to think that we have at least a million ancestors out there watching us and wondering how well we will do in this next century. 

On earth that is a wonder at the moment especially with Russia having illegally invaded Ukraine and wreaking death and destruction on the people of Ukraine including murdering over 700 children and wounding thousands more. The children! how can they do that to the children! that makes them monsters. Why can't they be part of the 21st century and just stay within their borders after all they have the largest landmass in the world with plenty of riches why are they so greedy that they have to steal part of Ukraine? They pretend to be Christian but they are Nazis; I pray that Russians can rid themselves of these dictatorial monsters namely Putin and his enablers.

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