Sunday, June 12, 2022

Trinity Sunday

I love Trinity Sunday but I love all the Sundays but Trinity Sunday especially stands out for me in the Church Year that has passed through Advent, Christmas Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Whitsunday and the final season which begins with Trinity Sunday and is the longest season of the Church year (or ordinary time as I was used to calling these many weeks that lead us back once again to Advent). It is the epitome of our Religious life - the thought of the three in one - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. As a child I wrestled with this idea that something can be three in one but over time nature provided us with so many examples and the priest today reminded me of water in its three forms of solid, liquid and vapour (water is the life-giving part of our world that we can not do without). As a child when I first learned about clones that satisfied my imagination that God the Father had cloned himself and an angel had given to Mary this living being as a fetus. That wasn't quite what the early Christian Fathers had thought but for me it proved the Trinity as I had no difficulty at all with the idea of God the Holy Spirit. From a young age (and especially because of my grandparent's beliefs) I believed all these stories of spirits in our world and they remain with me. The spirit world lies around us and is so much a part of my mind for sure. The spirit of my grandparents remains strong within me because I knew them so well - my grandfather lived with us (he passed away when I was 8 years of age) and I spent many many days with my grandmother before she passed away when I was 21 years of age. From these two people I learned about my other grandmother and my other grandfather. I learned the kind of people that they were - warm and loving with an enormous gift of giving to the spouse that outlived them. 

But the sermon today spoke to me and reminded me once again of the mysteries of the world that are three in one and it was an interesting dissertation. It was well done.

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