Saturday, July 30, 2022

A Day of Redistribution

Yesterday was definitely a downsizing day and a day of redistribution. We had planned two large deliveries and both were successful. One to Salvation Army which was actually smaller than our usual loads as we are now starting to work on the really smaller sets of items. Our trips there will be less frequent and smaller now. The second to the Tool Library and this was two large shelving units and a number of Edward's tools. That has been pretty much cleared out now with us just keeping tools that we might need to look after the house. The Tool Library has a newer building now and I am sure they will be a real benefit to the community. It is such a good idea. Edward took a number of tools there about four years ago now and so I learned about the tool library and as the haze lifted on my mind that came to me as a way to celebrate Edward's life which was to give his tools to the library so that someone else can enjoy woodworking as he did. This was a perfect choice and another large load gone; the house must appreciate the slowly decreasing load on it. Basically my basement must be pretty much empty except for things that generally live in a basement and would stay here when we leave or come with us but it needs to be a small amount since any place that we move to is going to be smaller. The main floor is starting to look about right although still too many dishes and utensils for cooking. That is gradually decreasing and will be the focus of our thoughts next summer. The upstairs is also starting to be close to what it needs to be. The room that still needs a lot of work and it will take a while is Edward's Memorial Room. There is still a lot in that room although we altered the arrangement and it is easier to manage the room now. There are 16 boxes of research in there and another six in the front bedroom. Then I have twelve boxes (mostly smaller boxes) in my room that I need to work my way through in the next little while looking for items so that I can give material to two different family lines. Both have researchers and so my task there will be done once I have separated them out from each other. A few more pieces of furniture will be eliminated over the next year (mostly next summer). But we have accomplished possibly much more than I thought would be done by the end of July and can mostly just enjoy August working away on his research boxes. 

We have enjoyed our garden and there is still more to come there as the tomatoes ripen. The peppers are growing and we will have a few. Next year they will go back to where they grow best it would appear. I need to pull out the old raspberry canes and clear the back of that area and we can plant a few things there next year - likely sunflowers. The front yard is pretty good although I should cultivate just a little although it is not weedy just looks like it could have some breathing space. 

In the next couple of years I need to put in a new laneway so that is a major task one of these years.

Today we will completely clean out the garage which is rapidly becoming empty and start organizing our last load to the dump this year. We will dismantle the canoe holder and that will form a large part of the load along with other pieces of wood that did not yet go to the dump. There is a pile of metal fencing that will also go to the dump. The shed is getting organized with everything that will go into that this winter and I do not think we will have to build the shed in a box this year as everything will go into the shed. It is always progress forward to know that we are not having to create a spot for items that do not fit into the garage once the car is putting put into it for the winter. We need to buy a tarp for the swing as it will be outside again this winter. It is nice actually to have it there as it is available then until late in the fall and early in the spring to sit on when the sun is beating down on the patio out there which is a protected area and quite warm during the winter months on occasion. 

Forward to the day. I shall continue working on the new Pincombe entries to check them out in the parish registers. Also I will check out these new parishes in the subsidies of the 1500s to see what I find there which might assist me with looking at the earlier charts and Pincombe family members. 

My breakfast is the next step and I do so enjoy my breakfast! Likely a trip to the river and kayaking and walking. I do love to walk and it is pleasant walking along the edge of the river especially as there is a nice paved path. I am up to two rotations on the walk as my foot is improving rapidly after a slight setback.

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